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Steve Jobs

Wes Hines
FYSE 1060
Steven Paul Jobs
• Born in 1955 in Green
Bay, Wisconsin
• Adopted by Paul and
Clara Jobs to live in
Santa Clara, California
• Graduated high school
in Cupertino,
• Jobs went to Reed
College in Portland
• He studied Poetry,
Literature, and Physics
• After one semester,
Jobs dropped out of
school, but still
attended some classes
• Jobs met Steve Wozniak shortly after they
both left school while working for Hewlett-
• “Woz” was an incredibly talented engineer,
especially in electronic gadgets
• While developing a “blue box” device, Jobs
convinced Woz to sell it to Berkeley
The Beginnings of Apple
• After spending time in
India in 1974, Jobs
returned to America
• He visited with Woz
the homebrew
computer club, but
was not content with
just the creation of
• Jobs convinced Woz to help him create a
personal computer, the Apple I
• Jobs, with marketing help from a friend, had
the vision of creating a computer company
that would make and sell pc’s.
• After showing the Apple I to in town
computer stores, Jobs was able to sell 25.
• After selling his Volkswagon mini-bus, and
asking Woz to sell his scientific calculator,
the two raised enough money to create
Apple Computers.
• Jobs and Woz sold the
Apple I in 1976 for
$666, making over
$776,000 from sales
• In 1977, the two
released the Apple II,
a single board
computer with
onboard ROM and a
color video interface.
Positive Growth
• From 1977 to 1983, Apple continued to
grow exponentially.
• In 1981, IBM finally entered the personal
computer market, and in just two years
began to outsell Apple.
• After the failure of the Apple III and Lisa,
Jobs needed a new computer that could
compete with the IBM PC.
The Macintosh
• In 1984, Apple released the Macintosh, the
first personal computer with a graphical
user interface.
• It had 128K of memory, and was
• Along with the mouse, the Macintosh was
the most revolutionary computer made up to
that point.
QuickTime™ and a
Video decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Microsoft and John Sculley
• In 1985, Bill Gates convinced Jobs to
license the graphical user interface in the
Macintosh to create Windows, which could
run on IBM PC’s.
• As sales of the Macintosh took off, CEO
John Sculley thought that Jobs was hurting
Apple’s success, and gradually forced Jobs
to leave.
• Jobs project in the late 1980’s to mid 90’s was
• A new computer company based on an object
oriented software platform, NeXT failed first as a
hardware company, then as a software company
• Apple similarly did very poorly in the early and
mid 90’s, brought on by poor leadership and
stagnating computer design
The Second Coming of Jobs
• In 1996, Apple bought
NeXT, and with it
came Steve Jobs.
• In 2000, Jobs became
the full CEO of Apple,
after the success of the
iMac, the first
computer mainly
marketed for its looks.
Return to Profitability and
• Jobs continues to innovate
the computer industry,
spearheading projects like
the iPod, iTunes and its
Music Store, and high end
• Under Jobs’ watch, Apple
has entered a new phase of
growth and profitability,
fueled by his imagination
and quest for perfection
• Butcher, Lee. “Accidental millionaire : the rise
and fall of Steve Jobs at Apple Computer”
New York, Paragon House 1988.

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