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Hepatitis B

By Jamie Coyle
Main Symptoms

• The main symptoms are fatigue, abdominal

pain, and jaundice (yellow coloration of the
• Other symptoms may include
nausea/vomiting and joint pain.
• When you have this disease, you eventually
go through all these symptoms.
Ways to contract the virus.

• Having “unsafe non-condom sex.”

• Sharing personal items such as razors,
especially with Hepatitis B virus on them.
• Using infected needles during excessive
illegal drug use.
• Contamination on tattoo needles.
Other types of Hepatitis
• Hepatitis A, which is the mildest form
• Hepatitis B, which is the second worst, but
can also be controlled.
• Hepatitis C, which is the most serious one,
if you get this one, chances are you will
soon be going by by.
Transmission occurs when….

The body fluids/blood of an infected

person enters the un-immune body of
another person. People who are at risk
for Hepatitis B are also have chances
of getting Hepatitis C.
Risk Groups

• Persons with multiple sex partners and don’t

use condoms.
• Men that have sex with men.
• Any sexual contact with an infected person
will give you this disease.
• Using sterile needles and condoms will help
prevent you from getting this disease.
• Highest rate of people that get it are in the
20 to 49 year old age group.
• There has been a great decline in infected
children due to routine vaccinations.
• An estimated 1.25 chronically infected
americans (20-30% get it in childhood).
• About 400 million people are carrying this
disease around.
Works Cited
ND board of health webpage

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