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Basic Nursing: Foundations of

Skills and Concepts

Chapter 1
Health & Holistic Health

Health is the physical well-being of the


Holistic health addresses all aspects of

life (physical, social, cultural, spiritual,
etc.) as an integrated whole.
Health is a Personal Choice

Each person has control over his or her own


The maintenance of personal health through

a constellation of sound choices and
lifestyle designs.

Wellness is a holistic measure of health.

The Five Aspects of Wellness

1. Physical Wellness
2. Intellectual Wellness
3. Psychological Wellness
4. Spiritual Wellness
5. Sociocultural Wellness
Physical Wellness requires:

 Good grooming
 Proper body mechanics
 Good posture
 Refraining from smoking and the use of
drugs and alcohol
 And adequate nutrition, sleep, rest,
relaxation and exercise.
Intellectual Wellness requires:

 The ability to function as an independent

 Clear thinking and problem-solving skills
 Good judgment
 A desire to learn
Psychological Wellness requires:

 Understanding your emotions.

 Enjoying your own creativity.
 Maintaining a positive attitude that you
convey to your patients
Spiritual Wellness requires:

 Hope
 Inner strength
 A loving attitude
 Acceptance
 Forgiveness
Sociocultural Wellness requires:

An ability to appreciate the needs of others

regardless of their:
•Age •Family
•Race •Religion
•Language •Tribe
•Economic status •Political Orientation
•Customs •Bias
Nurses need to be Self-aware.

To best meet the needs of their clients,

they must understand themselves. A
nurse’s personal feelings, attitudes,
and needs should never interfere with
the client’s needs.
A conscious recognition at any specific
moment of what you…
• think
• feel
• believe
• and how you behave
Nurture Yourself!

 The demands of clients, employers,

and coworkers can cause stress for
the nurse.

 Those who don’t nurture themselves

will suffer stress symptoms and
Self-Nurturing Tips

 Develop activities to recharge your body,

mind and spirit.
 Make time for fun. Any activity that brings
happiness or joy is beneficial
 Schedule a few minutes each day for

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