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Job Shadow

Air Squared Mfg.
Jacob Mansdorfer
Career Overview
Air Squared Mfg. is a company that designs and builds air compressors for
airplanes and other uses. They have an engineering side and a manufacturing side,
and I shadowed for both.
Overview of Experience
I shadowed the engineers there and learned some of the skills they use for their
jobs. They also gave me tips for the future when I am working. I worked in the
software with them and also helped with testing
Interview of Professional
Five Insights Gained
1. I gained insight into the engineering process in an actual work environment,
which will be useful.
2. I gained insight to the environment in the office working world.
3. I gained insight into working with much older people in a very small role
4. I gained insight into skills that will be useful when I am an engineer.
5. I gained insight into the technology used by engineers in the workplace.
Application of Experience
I will apply this experience by remembering the things I learned for when I have a
job as an engineer. It will also help me in other jobs because it helped me to gain
experience in a mature workplace.

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