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The Charge Of The Light Brigade

• Tone usually tells you how the poet feels towards the
subject of the poem. The tone of a poem sets the mood
for the reader. If the poet uses powerful adjectives to
describe a beautiful place, the reader is immediately
transported to the scene or setting of the poem in his or
her mind.
• Just like the mood, the tone of the poem is quite
dramatic and even exuberant at times such as when the
order to charge is given. At other times, the tone is
foreboding, especially death for the soldiers in the ‘jaws
of hell.’
• Tone – strong and sympathetic to soldiers who have
to do what they were instructed
• Submissive – though the soldiers knew someone had
made a mistake, they still carried on
• Mood – excited as they initially heard the others and
then it changed to fear and horror as they rode into
the valley knowing it was sure death.

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