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Nicolas Poblete
Nicolas Ortuño
Andre Salvatierra
Compounds of carbon are defined as chemical
substances containing carbon More compounds of
carbon exist than any other chemical element except for
hydrogen. Organic carbon compounds are far more
numerous than inorganic carbon compounds. In general
bonds of carbon with other elements are covalent bonds.
Carbon is tetravalent but carbon free
radicals and carbenes occur as short-lived intermediates.
Ions of carbon are carbocations and carbanions and are
also short-lived. An important carbon property
is catenation as the ability to form long carbon chains and
it was once thought that organic compounds could only be
created by living organisms. Over time, however,
scientists learned how to synthesize organic compounds
in the lab. The number of organic compounds is immense
and the known number of defined compounds is close to
10 million. However, an indefinitely large number of such
compounds are theoretically possible. An organic
compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid,
or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon.

An inorganic compound, any substance in which two or more chemical

Elements are combined, nearly always in definite proportions

Carbon compounds such as carbides(e.g., silicon

carbide [SiC2]), some carbonates (e.g.,
calcium carbonate[CaCO3]), some cyanides (e.g., sodium
cyanide [NaCN]), graphite, carbon dioxide, and carbon
monoxide are classified as inorganic.

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