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English (Form 1)

Name: .......................................................... Class: ...................... Date: ......................

UNIT 10: My Brother's Keeper
Ref: B5 DT1 E1

Learning Outcomes: 2.3 Level 3 vii. Writing recounts

Band Descriptor Evidence

B5 DT1 E1 Able to write an account of an incident/event using correct

5 B5 B5 DT1
grammar and mechanics of writing with guidance

Write a recount in not less than 120 words based on the pictures below.

1 2

- book sale - annual - sold - bargain - paying - passed - booths - banner

- bought - curious

3 4

- lady - explained - donate - - wanted - books - children

orphanages - sold - agreed - big box

Teacher's Remarks: ................................................................................................................. Achievement: Achieved

........................................................................................................ Date: ..............................
Teacher's Name and Signature: ............................................................................................... Need
More Practice
Instrument ID: 1301-00005842

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