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Models of Teaching

Prof. Cristina E. Palencia

1. The Inductive Model: A Constructivist
View of Learning
 Phase 1: Lesson Introduction
 Phase 2: Open-Ended Phase
 Phase 3: Convergent Phase
 Phase 4: Closure
 Phase 5: Application Phase
2. Social Interaction Model
 Group Strategies
 Committee
 Brainstorming
 Buzz session
 Debate & panel
 Symposium
 Role playing and improvization
 Fish bowl technique
 Critiquing session
 Round table
 Forum
 Jury trial
 Majority-rule decision making
 Consensus decision making
 Composite report
 Agenda
 Cooperative Learning
 Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD)
 Team Assisted Instruction
 Jigsaw
 Group Investigation
 Discussions
3. Concept-Attainment Model
 Presentation of Positive and Negative
 Generating Hypothesis
 Analysis of Hypothesis
 Testing the Hypothesis
 Closure
4. Direct-Instruction Model
 Introduction
 Presentation
 Guided Practice
 Independent Practice
5. Integrative Model
6. Problem-Based Learning Model

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