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Semester 6

Dr. Alvarez Z. Moningka, SpOT


Sejarah bedah orthopaedi

RC (Surakarta 1951)

Prof.Dr.Raden Soeharso, FICS

Pendidikan Bedah Orthopaedi thn 1968 di Jakarta (Care Medico)


Ahli bedah Orthopaedi jumlah 300 orang  220 juta

Ruang lingkup :

- Trauma
- Kelainan bawaan & perkembangan
- Infeksi & inflamasi
- Penyakit reumatik, atritis metabolik
- Kelainan metabolik & endokrin
- Kelainan degeneratif tulang dan sendi
- Kelainan neuromuskuler
- Kelainan epifisis dan lempeng epifisis
- Tumor
- Rehabilitasi
Orthopaedi  Nicholas Andry thn 1741

Orthos = bebas dari deformitas

Paes = anak

 Seni untuk mencegah & memperbaiki kelainan bentuk pada anak-anak

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery 1953

Orthopaedic surgery is the branch of surgery especially concerned

with preservation & restoration of function of the skeletal system, its

articulation and assorted structures

American Boards of Orthopaedic Surgery 1960

Orthopaedic is medical speciality that includes the investigation, preservation

Restoration and development of the form and function of the extremities, spine

And assorted structure by medical, surgical and physical method

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