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Presentation group 3
Arranged by :

Dwi Indah Febriani

Putri Anisyah
Rita Agustin Erlis

Special class 2018

The main function of hair in humans is protect
the body as physical barrier between external
cold and skin as a trap of warm air between
the skin and hair, keeping the body warmer,
and the same time beautify human faces

Bones function give body shape, protect vital

organ, help movement producing red blood cells
in the marrow and store mineral salts

Bone marrow function is a place where some new

blood cells are produced and as a means of
communication between the nerves and the
brain in receiving stimuli, movements and body

The function of the muscles is to contract to

move the body parts closer to the bone attached
to the muscle

Lungs function helps oxygen from air into red

blood cells also helps the body to get rid of Co2
gas when breathing

The liver functions to offer and neutralize toxins,

regulate circulating hormones, regulate the
composition of blood containing fat, sugar,
protein, etc .

The brain regulates and coordinates most of the

homeostasis’s movements, behaviors, and bodily
functions such as heart rate, blood pressure,
balance, body fluids, and body temperature

The pancreas has two main functions : produce

digestive enzymes or eksokrin functions and
produce several hormones or endokrin functions
one of them produces the hormone insulin

The main function of the heart is to pump blood

throughout the body. As a means of
transportation in the body, the blood is
responsible for carrying the nutrient, and the
oxygen needed by the body’s organs, as well as
transporting residual substances.

Diverse kidney function includes several things

such as blood filtering. All blood in the body
passes through the kidneys several times a day
when the kidneys filter blood, urine will be
created from waste substances, and excess fluid
in the body.

The main function of the uterus receives

fertilization of the ovum that is embedded in the
endometrium and comes from blood vessel food
that develops specifically for this purpose. The
fertilized ovum becomes an embrio, develops into
a fetus, and gestates until birth.
Thank you

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