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How Has Technology

Changed Education
By: Osiel Fernandez
Title/Captions: Intro

Narration:How has technology changed education?

Technology has come a long way and evolved in the 21st
century. Education has benefited a great amount as it has also
taught many educators new technology skills. Here are some
ways technology has changed the classroom. Perhaps many of
you current educators have experienced and even use some
of these sources.

Images/Video Clips:
Welcome To The Future by unknown author. Free to Use,
Share, or Modify. Downloaded from
classroom-381909/ on March 25, 2019

Music: ”Around The World” by Tilmann Sillescu, BMI from

Tech Grooves Volume 6. Free to Use. Downloaded from on March 25,
Notes: Start music first, and enter voice after 3
seconds, use fade-in effect.

Dramatic Question
Title/Captions: E-Books

Narration: Textbooks have always been and continue to

be the best source for studying a particular subject. The
problem with most textbooks is they are big, heavy, and
fragile. E-readers, tablets and computers are the new source
of textbooks. Textbooks can be read and stored on these
devices and save having to carry around books. Some high
schools even provide their students with laptops with all
their textbooks on them, making bulky books a thing of the
eBooks Vs Textbooks by India Edu . Free to Use and Share..
Downloaded from
0 on March 25, 2019.
Music: Same as above.
Notes: Use animation effect here

Title/Captions: Communication

Narration: Technology in the 21st century has made

communication easy for everyone. Educators now have
many platforms that help them communicate with other
educators, parents, administrators, and many different types
of people. Some of these platforms include video conference
calls, social media, and emailing. This helps educators stay up
to date on new things and improves learning.
Communication plays a big role in promoting student
Images: Apps by Gustavo Tabosa. Free to Use, Share, or
Modify. Downloaded from
community-788779/ on March 25, 2019.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: Web 2.0 Tools

Narration: Web 2.0 was the next step for the world
wide web. It allowed users to interact with websites and
other people around the world. Some Web 2.0 tools that
have changed education are ones like Glogster and
LiveBinder. Glogster is a new way that students can create
digital posters instead of physical ones. LiveBinder is a way
students create online binders instead of carrying around 3
ring binders to every class. These are just a few tools that
can help education grow.
Tag Cloud by Markus Angermeier. Free to Use, Share, or
Modify. Downloaded from
g on March 25, 2019.
Music: Same as above.

Title/Captions: Web-Based Research

Narration: Libraries and books were the only way to conduct

research in the past. Thanks to technology, research is now a click
away. There are so many sources to use when using the web for
conducting research. A few things you can find in the web are books,
scholarly articles, and journals. Most of these works can even be
downloaded in a PDF form. Technology has definitely made research
a breeze.

Search Engine by Mohamed Hassan. Free to Use, Share, or Modify.
Downloaded from on
March 25, 2019.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: Growing Your Audience

Narration: Before technology the only audience

educators had were their students. Now, their audience can
be the whole world thanks to technology tools and platforms.
Thanks to things like social media and blogging websites,
teachers can reach out to inform the world about their
experiences of teaching. Educators can now publish and be
extremely relevant to point where they have many followers
and big audiences. Many popular educators even publish
informative and motivational videos to sites like YouTube that
produce millions of views and subscribers.
Audience by No Author. Free to Use, Share, or Modify.
Downloaded from on
March 25, 2019.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: Software

Narration: A major contribution technology has

given education is the many different types of software
we use every day for education. A major one is the
development of Microsoft Office. This software made
writing papers on actual paper a thing of the past. It
also has software to produce slide shows and spread
sheets to name a few. It revolutionized the traditional
way of teaching, learning and creating beautiful work.
Software Update by Mohamed Hassan. Free to Use, Share,
or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: Thank You

Narration: I hope you enjoyed this presentation and I

also hope it has helped you in some way. Remember it is
always great to embrace technology and appreciate what
is has done for education. Once again thank you for
watching. Goodbye!

Images: Thank-you-word-cloud by Ashashyou Free to

Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from
word-cloud.jpg on March 25, 2019.

Music: Same as above.


Title/Captions: Credits
Image 1: Welcome To The Future by unknown author. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded
from on March 25, 2019.
Image 2: eBooks Vs Textbooks by India Edu . Free to Use and Share.. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Image 3: Apps by Gustavo Tabosa. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Image 4: Tag Cloud by Markus Angermeier. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Image 5: Search Engine by Mohamed Hassan. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Image 6: Audience by No Author. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Image 7: Software Update by Mohamed Hassan. Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Image 8: Thank-you-word-cloud by Ashashyou Free to Use, Share, or Modify. Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.
Music 1: ”Around The World” by Tilmann Sillescu, BMI from Tech Grooves Volume 6. Free to Use.
Downloaded from on March 25, 2019.

Music: None
Credits Slide/Scene

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