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Presentation on

LEACHING (Solid- Liquid Extraction)


Id 54125, Process and Food Engg. , M. Tech(I year)
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar


Course code: TPF 636
Course instructor: Dr. N. C. Shahi

 It is the method of removing active constituents from a solid or liquid by means of liquid
 Here wanted components are dissolved(which are soluble) or vice-versa, by the use of
selective solvents known as menstruum (solvent used for extraction) & undissolved part
(marc i.e., solid residue obtained after extraction).
 Extraction is one of the most widely used separation techniques.
 There are two sorts of extraction basically
 Liquid-liquid extraction
 Solid-liquid extraction
 Solid-liquid extraction is also known as leaching, lixiviation or decoction,
 the last term being used when the solvent is at its boiling point.
Principles of leaching
 In leaching solid containing solute is contacted to solvent in order to extract solute from solid into solvent. Upon separation of
two phases, the solution phase normally contains no entertained solids,
o There is sufficient solvent present so that all solute in the entering solid can be dissolved into liquid.
o Equilibrium is reached when all the solute is dissolved
o All the solute is dissolved in single stage (for single stage extraction) or all stages together by the end of process (in case of
multiple stage process)
o Solid is assumed insoluble, no adsorption will happen of solute into the solid i.e., solution in liquid phase leaving stage has
the same concentration as solution remain with solid matrix in settled slurry leaving the stage
o Settled solid leaving a stage always contains some liquid
 Examples of leaching applications
 Sugar from sugar beet with hot water
 Extraction of oil from oil seeds
 Fish oil from fish waste
 Caffeine from coffee
 In general- GREEN TEA
Δ Factors affecting leaching process
Δ Size, temperature, agitation and solvent type
Sigle stage leaching

 The solution phase sometimes is called the overflow or extract.

 The solid phase plus it
 Considering a system
 Solute A
 Solid represented as B
 Solvent C.
 Entrained or occluded solution is called underflow or raffinate.

V : Mass of overflow solution
xA : Composition of A in overflow solution
L : Mass of liquid in slurry solution
yA : Composition of A in slurry solution
B : Mass of dry, solute – free solid.
N : Mass of dry, solute-free solid (B)/Mass of solution retained (L)
Ideal process

6 • Composition of solute(A) in liquid

fraction of Underflow

• Composition of solute(A) in liquid fraction of Overflow

Actual process
Material Balance in Leaching

• Total Solution Balance (Component A + Component C in Solution): Input = Output

• Solution in Solids Feed + Fresh solvent feed = Solution in UF + Solution in OF
L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M
• Solute or Component A Balance: Input = Output
• Solute in Solids Feed + Solute in Solvent Feed = Solute in UF + Solute in OF
L0 yA0 +V2 xA2 = L1 yA1 + V1 xA1 = M xAM
• Solid (B) Balance: Input = Output
• Solids in Solids Feed + Solids in Solvent Feed = Solids in Underflow + Solids in Overflow
B = N0 L0 + 0 = N1 L1 + 0 =NM M
Single Stage Leaching Mass Balance

Mass balance
L0 + V2 = L1 + V1 = M
Material balance
L0 yA0 +V2 xA2 = L1 yA1 + V1 xA1 = M xAM
Solid balance
B = N0 L0 + 0 = N1 L1 + 0 =NM M

𝑥2 = = 𝑁2 = =
𝑉2 𝐴+ 𝐶 𝑉2 𝐴+ 𝐶
Continuous Counter-current Multistage Leaching

Flow Diagram of Counter-current Multistage Leaching

Counter-current Multistage Leaching Mass Balance


Overall Mass Balance Boundary for Counter-current Multistage Leaching

Mass balance Component balance
VN+1 + L0 = V1 + LN VN+1 xN+1 + L0 y0 = V1 x1 + LN yN
Rearranging above Rearranging above
VN+1 = V1 + LN - L0 VN+1 xN+1 = V1 x1 + LN yN - L0 y0

𝑳𝐍 𝒚𝐍 𝑽1 𝒙1 − 𝑳0 𝒚0
𝒙𝐍+1 = +
𝑽𝑵+1 𝑽𝑵+1
𝑳𝐍 𝑽1 𝒙1 − 𝑳0 𝒚0 1 𝑽1 𝒙1 − 𝑳0 𝒚0
𝒙𝐍+1 = + 𝒙𝐍+1 = +
𝑳𝐍 + 𝑽1 − 𝑳0 𝑳𝐍 + 𝑽1 − 𝑳0 1 + (𝑽1 − 𝑳0 )Τ𝑳𝐍 𝑳𝐍 + 𝑽1 − 𝑳0
Variable Underflow Multistage Counter-current Leaching


Overall Mass Balance Boundary for Counter-current Multistage Leaching

The overall total solution balance (Solute A and Solvent C) can be done around the mass balance boundary

VN+1 + L0 = V1 + LN = M

VN+1 xN+1 + L0 y0 = V1 x1 + LN yN = M xM

VN+1 xA, N+1 + L0 yA,0 = V1 xA,1 + LN yA, N = M xA, M

B = N0 L0 = N1 L1 = NM M

N versus xy plot (Operating Diagram) for Multistage Counter current Leaching

variable underflow calculation
For this, we first need to derive the equation for the operating point

V2 + L0 = V1 + L1

V1 + LN = VN+1 + LN-1
difference between two passing streams as Δ.
L0 - V1 = L1 - V2 = Δ
Mass Balance Boundaries for Stage 1 and Stage N
The value of Δ is constant and holds for all N stages.
We can express the difference for all stages as,
Δ = L0 - V1 = L1 - V2 = ………. = LN – NN+1 = ……………. = LN – VN+1 Δ is operating point (xΔ , NΔ )

L0 y0 – V1x1 = L1y1 – V2x2 = ΔA

The location of the Δ on the N versus xy diagram (operating diagram) can be located at the coordinates (xΔ, NΔ)


Operating Diagram for Multistage Counter current Operating Diagram for Multistage Counter current
Leaching Showing Δ Point Leaching Showing VN and LN

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