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Management Styles

Hope Campbell
Autocratic Leaders
Sheldon Plankton from Monica Geller from Friends
Sheldon Plankton from SpongeBob Monica Geller from Friends is an
Square Pants is an autocratic leader autocratic leader because she is a
because he always needs things to go control freak.
exactly his way. - Everything always has to be
- Plankton owns the unsuccessful perfect
‘Chum Bucket’ restaurant and Mr. - Competitive
Krabs owns the successful ‘Krusty -Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Krab’ restaurant
- Always needs his plan to steal
the secret formula from the
‘Krusty Krab’ to go exactly as
Democratic Leaders
Mufusa from The Lion King Willy Wonka from Charlie and the
Mufusa from The Lion King is a
Chocolate Factory
democratic leader because of his wise, Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate
instructive and respectful personality. Factory is a democratic leader because of his
enthusiastic, friendly yet insensitive and
- He is strict when he need to be
stubborn personality.
- He doesn’t watch over everyone’s
- He puts trust into the kids to not do
shoulder and lets everyone in the
anything unnecessary
pack do their own thing for the most
part. - However he does tell the kids what they
can and cannot do because of safety
reasons, and because they aren’t aloud to
do those types of things.
Laissez-faire Leadership
Po from Kung Fu Panda Michael Scott from The Office
Po from Kung Fu Panda is a laissez-faire Michael Scott from The Office is a laissez-faire
leader because of his energetic, kind, and leader because although he can be arrogant
naive personality. and rude to his employees in most cases he
doesn’t even really tell them what they
- Po is the leader of a group called the
should be doing.
Furious Five. This group of animals help to
keep their homeland safe. - During the show, they are mainly in the
office. The fictional character Michael Scott
- Even though Po is the leader he doesn’t
rarely acknowledges them and doesn’t even
really lead. He will mention a plan but, he
really tell them what they should be doing at
won’t explain the plan and in most cases
he won’t even follow through with his own
Background Information: Names:
- Game Show Game Show Host: GHS Melissa Smith: M
- Objective of show: choose the best John Johnson: J Frank Brown: F
candidate to run your business (made up characters)
GSH: Why would you not pick the other two?
GSH: Welcome back to another show of Management. Today we J: Well, simply because they wouldn’t be able to
are playing a fun game that explains management styles. Please step up and make a stern but correct decision.
welcome over guests John Johnson, Melissa Smith and Frank
Brown to the stage. Mufasa might be to kind while speaking about what’s
happening and Po would just not even make the
J/M/F: Hello decision in time.
GSH: On today’s show 2 managers are going to be given scenarios GSH: Great answer. Ok Melissa are you ready?
and a cards with the pictures of characters. Once I read the M:Yes.
scenario you will choose the character with the best management GSH: Ok. Your scenario is… you own a restaurant
style that will fit best with the problem. John, are you ready to go where your cooks need to be able to work on their
own to create the food perfectly. You characters are
J: Yes sir. Plankton from Spongebob, Willy Wonka from Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory and Michael Scott from
GSH: Alright then. Ok first scenario. You are in the office and a
quick decision is needed to be made and no one is working good. the Office.
Now for your characters you have Monica Geller from Friends, M: I would pick Michael Scott from the office
Mufasa from The Lion King and Po from Kung Fu Panda. because he would leave my employees to work for
J: Ok. In this situation I would most likely put Monica Geller in
charge. My reasoning behind this would be because she has a GSH: You guys are great at this game. Perfect even…
personality similar to an autocratic leader. but that’s all the time we have today folks. Have a
great night.

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