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• A quadrilateral is a two-dimensional figure
formed by connecting four segments
endpoint to endpoint with each segment
intersecting exactly two others. It also has
four sides and four angles.
Types of Quadrilateral
• Square: Quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles
(90 degrees)

Indicates equal sides

Box indicates 900 angle

• Rectangle: Quadrilateral with two pairs of equal
sides and four right angles (90 degrees)

Indicates equal sides

Box indicates 900 angle

• Parallelogram: Quadrilateral with opposite
sides that are parallel and of equal length and
opposite angles are equal

Indicates equal sides

• Rhombus: Parallelogram with four equal
sides and opposite angles equal

Indicates equal sides

• Trapezoid: Quadrilateral with one pair of parallel

Parallel sides never

Kite: Two pairs of
sides are equal

Indicates equal sides

Name the Quadrilateral

rectangle kite
Name the Quadrilateral

4 5

parallelogram trapezoid
How do we know if a quadrilateral
is a parallelogram?
Properties of Parallelogram
• Any two opposite sides are congruent
• Any two opposite angles are congruent
• Any two consecutive angles are supplementary
• Diagonals bisect each other
• Diagonals forms two congruent triangles
• Segment AB is congruent to segment CD.
• Angle ADC is congruent to angle CBA.
• Segment ED measures 10cm and segment BE
measures ___ cm
Theorem 1. If a parallelogram has
one right angle, then it has four
right angles and the parallelogram
is rectangle.

Theorem 2. the diagonals of

rectangles are congruent.
• If angle C measures 90 degrees, then angles A, B,
and D also measures 90 degrees.

• If segment AC is measures 10cm, then segment BD

measures exactly the same
Theorem 3. the diagonals
of a rhombus are

Theorem 4. each
diagonals of a rhombus
bisects opposite angles
• If segments AC and BD are diagonals of rhombus, then they are

• If angle BCD measures 60 degrees is bisect by segment AC, then

angle BCE measures half of BCD.

• In the diagram at the right,

PQRS is a rhombus. What 2y + 3

is the value of y? S 5y - 6 R

All four sides of a rhombus are ≅, so RS = PS.

5y – 6 = 2y + 3 Equate lengths of ≅ sides.
5y = 2y + 9 Add 6 to each side.
3y = 9 Subtract 2y from each side.
y=3 Divide each side by 3.
Theorem 5. the midline
theorem. The segment that
joints the midpoints of two
sides of a triangle is
parallel to the third side
and half as long.
• If segment DE is joints the midpoint of segments BA and
CA, then it is a middle segment.

• If segment DE is a middle segment, then segment

DE=1/2 segment BC
Theorem 6. The Midsegment
Theorem. The median of a
trapezoid is parallel to each
base and its length is one half
the sum of the lengths of the
• If segment PQ is a Midsegment of trapezoid ABCD, then it
is parallel to segments AB and DC.

• If segment PQ is measures 10cm, then the sum of

segments AB and DC is measures 20cm
Theorem 7. the base angles of an
isosceles trapezoid are congruent.

Theorem 8. the opposite angles of

an isosceles trapezoid are

Theorem 9. the diagonals of

isosceles trapezoid are congruent
• If angle DAB measures 110 degrees, then angle CBA also measure 110

• If angle C and angle A are opposite angles, then they are supplementary

• If segment DB measures 10cm, then segment CA measures 10cm also.

Theorem 10. in a kite, the
perpendicular bisector of at least
one diagonal is the other diagonal.

Theorem 11. the area of a kite is

half the product of the lengths of
its diagonals.

• If segment Mk is a diagonal of a kite that bisect

perpendicularly segment JL, then JL is also a diagonal of kite

• If the diagonals of the kite measures 6cm and 10cm, then

the are of the kite is measures 30cm.

Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel side.

Rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles.
Rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides.
Trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel side
Isosceles trapezoid is a trapezoid with 1 equal side.
Kite is a quadrilateral with no parallel side.
Theorem 5: midline = ½ the third side
Theorem 6: midsegment = ½ the sum of bases
Theorem 11: area of kite = ½ the product of its diagonal
I. Direction: Tell whether the given statement is true or

1. A quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel side is called kite.

2. A quadrilateral with 2 pair of parallel side is called rhombus.
3. A quadrilateral with four right angle is called rectangle.
4. A trapezoid with 1 equal side is called isosceles trapezoid.
5. A square is both rectangle and rhombus.
II. Solve.

1. Segments KM and JL measures 1. Segments AB and CD measures

5cm and 8cm respectively. Find 6cm and 10cm respectively. Find the
the area of the kite JKLM measures of segment PQ.
Fill in the chart.
Name Sides Angles Diagonals

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