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Broadcast Media
 The term broadcasting refer to the airborne
transmission of electromagnetic audio signals
(radio) or audiovisual signals (television) that are
readily accessible to a wide population via
standard receivers.
 Broadcast media is the most expedient means to
transmit information immediately to the widest
possible audience.
A. Radio Broadcasting
 The invention of radio began with the telegraph - the first
technological advancement that made long distance
communication possible. Despite its accomplishments,
telegraphic communication was limited.
 Another great invention was that of
Alexander Graham Bell, called the
telephone. These two revolutionized
long distance communication. Since it
require complex wires and cables to set
up, access to these innovations remained
limited. The prined word still remained
as the most conducive medium of
 Experts aimed to abolish the limitations
of the telegraph wire. Among the
earliest breakthrough is credited to an
Italian inventor named Guglielmo
Marconi. He transmitted a message,
which was picked up without any need
for wired connection. H had
demonstrated that it is possible to cast
an electronic signal to space so tt it can
be captured at random points without
the necessity of wires. In doing so, the
age of broadcasting began.
 Television was initially prompted by
 The earliest notable development was
that of German inventor Paul Nipkow
where he was able to successfully
transmit an image in 1884. Further
developments to Nipkow's
mechanicalsystem known as the
rotating disk was made by several
other experts from all over the world.
 In 1930s began the age of TV broadcasting to the public.
Characteristics of Broadcast Media
 Radio is a tool that uses voice, sound, music. These
three are called elements of radio. Because it lacks
visual elements, producers or information in radio bank
on these three elements to attract attention and convey
the message.
 Generally there are two types of radio format in terms
1. AM radio
2. FM radio
AM radio offers variety stations that feature different
program formats.
1. Dramatic Programs
2. Non-dramatic Programs
a. News and commentary
b. Talk Show
c. Counseling
d. Educational
e. Informative
 In FM radio, the majority of the stations offer music
and entertainment program formats.
 FM stations based their offerings on the type of
audience they cater.
 The genre of music is important in FM stations.
 Television, on the other hand, can be considered as the
most powerful medium in the mass communication.
 It has complete feature
 It offers both sight and sounds
 It is more convenient to the audience in terms of
exposure and participation.
 Television has two main elements:
1. Audio - Sound, music, and voice
2. Video or visual - footage, graphics, and text
Television program formats:
1. Dramatic Format
a. Drama series
b. Drama special
c. Sitcom
2. Non-dramatic format
a. News and public affairs program
b. Talk show, debate, discussion program
c. Contest, quiz show, game show program
d. Educational program
e. informative program
f. Variety shows program
Radio Characteristics


 Local coverage  Audio only

 Low cost  Clutter
 High frequency  Fleeting message
 Low production cost
 Well segmented audience
Television Characteristics

 Mass coverage  Low selectivity

 High reach  High absolute cost
 Impact sight, sound, and  Short message life
motion  High production cost
 High prestige  Clutter
 Moderate cost per

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