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Mr. Antonio B. Armero

San Francisco High School
Quezon City
Orthographic Projection:
“Orthos” is a greek word for straight and
“Graphos” means lines

A three(3) dimensional drawings used to

show the overall concept and design. An
orthographic projection represents a 3
dimensional object using 2 dimensional
views of the objects.
The Orthographic
The Orthographic Projection
Steps in constructing orthographic
1. Draw the horizontal axis
2. Draw the vertical axis
3. Draw the 45 degree cross axis
4. Lay out the construction lines parallel to the axis of
5. Supply the given measurements for the top view,
front view and the side view
6. Draw the projected views of the given object
7. Darken the edges of the given object using the object
Isometric Projection
“Iso” is a greek word meaning equal and
metric is a system of measurement, hence
equal measure.
A pictorial representation of an object in
which all three dimensions are drawn at full
scale rather than foreshortening them to the
true projection. All the sides of the object
are equally represented.
Isometric Drawing

It includes the 3 axes, the vertical,

horizontal, the left and the right 30 degree
cross axis. The application of this type of
drawing extends to many fields, such as
engineering, mechanics, physics and
Steps in drawing isometric projection

1. Draw the 4 axis of projection, the horizontal, vertical

and left and right 30 degree cross axis.
2. Draw lines parallel to the 4 axis of projection to form
the isometric box.
3. Plot the principal dimensions, height(H) on the vertical
axis, width(W)on theleft 30 degree cross axis and
depth(D) on the left 30 degree cross axis.
4. Supply the given sides of the block for top view, front
view and the side view using the construction line.
5. Darken the given sides of the block.
Isometric view
The Isometric Drawing
Perspective Drawing

A representation of an object as it
appears to an observer’s eye (artist
A technique used in drawing or
painting to give an image on a flat
surface a sense of depth.
Perspective Drawing

There are 3 main types of Linear


1 pt. Perspective
2 Pt. Perspective
3 Pt. Perspective
One (1) Point Perspective

One(1)pt. perspective drawing contains

only one vanishing point on the horizon
line. This type of perspective is typically
used to represents images of roads,
railway tracks, hallways or buildings
viewed so that the front is directly facing
the viewer.
Perspective is an art technique for
creating an illusion of three
dimensions(depth and space)on a two
dimensional (flat) surface. Perspective
is what makes a drawing or painting
seem to have form, distance and looks
Steps in constructing 1 Pt. Perspective

 Draw the Picture Plane Lines for worm’s eye view,

man’s eye view and bird’s eye view.
 Draw the horizon line and locate the vanishing point.

 Draw the side view parallel to the picture plane lines

 Project the lines from the vanishing point to the given

surface(side view), draw the vertical lines to form the

sides of the given object to complete the 3 views of the
1 Pt. Perspective
2 Pt. perspective
The major difference between one, two
and three point perspective is the
number of vanishing points on the
horizon line, so a vanishing is a spot on
the horizon to which all receding parallel
lines appear to converge or diminish.
Artists use perspective to “Just to differentiate a
create a sense of realism and linear from a curvilinear
perspective ; here is an
depth in their drawings. example of a curvilinear
Linear perspective is a perspective design”

technique which uses a series

of guidelines and points to
help artist represent the three
(3) world on the two(2)
dimensional surfaces of their
drawings. 1 pt. perspective is
a form of a linear perspective.
Perspective view is a view of a three
dimensional image that portrays height,
width and depth for a more realistic
image or graphic
Perspective drawings triggers movement in
the viewer’s eye, engaging them and
drawing them into the work. Images with
depth and perspective makes us feel more a
part of it than flatter images. They capture
how we see the world
It’s critically important, as perspective is

everything in life. It governs one’s mental
outlook, which in turn determines one’s
mental attitude to what is happening
around, i.e. how you choose to interpret
and how you decide your response.
Hence, the sage wisdom, change your
perspective , change your world.

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