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Manas M. Karandikar
Roll No : 42415
 Why People choose Career Based on Education :
 Education System (which focuses only on academics)

 Family background (Poor/Middle class families)

 Family & relatives Pressure/Expectations

 Society recognition (Social status) of certain people of some of the careers


 To earn lots of money and future security

 Lack of emphasis on career exploration at early age

 Why People choose Career Based on Education :
 Education System (which focuses only on academics)

 Family background (Poor/Middle class families)

 Family & relatives Pressure/Expectations

 Society recognition (Social status) of certain people of some of the careers


 To earn lots of money and future security

 Lack of emphasis on career exploration at early age

 Personal experience :
 10th Standard decent marks - You don’t have any choice other than ‘Science’

 12th Standard decent marks plus good maths score in entrance exam : You are born to
do ‘Engineering’

 Friends career choice influence

 Less awareness of other Career choices

 Common Mindset in Indian middle class families :

 Study hard in high school and get good grades.

 Get into a good college. Study hard and get good grades.

 Get into good grad college Study hard and get good grades.

 Get a good job. Work hard, get promoted, make a stable upper middle-class
 Career Based on one’s Interest :
 Interest makes your academic also good

 Interest makes you better in skills you love

 Work doesn’t feel like it’s forced upon you

Few Success Stories :
Name Interest from Educational Qualification Achievements
Sachin Tendulkar Playing Cricket 10th Fail Double PhD in Cricket
Bill Gates Computers College dropout Founder of ‘Microsoft’ and one of
the wealthiest man in the world
AR Rahman Music School dropout earlier but Indian Oscar winning musician
with his professional
experience later studied at
Oxford University
 Conclusion :
 Conclusion :
 Majority trend say most of the people choose their careers based on educational

 But Mindset is changing slowly nowadays for career preference on interest/passion

because of following reasons :
a. Digitalization
b. Lot of exposures to different careers
c. Availability of Career Counselling
d. Village people shifting to metropolitan cities for work

 After education, some people are following their interests/passion by quitting job and
initiating start ups

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