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Name: Sofía Ramírez

Grade: 6°A
Date: 11/27/2018
Subject: English
Teacher: Claudia Pérez
The Anesthesia

The Anesthesia is a
state of controlled,
temporary loss of
sensation or awareness
that is induced for
medical purposes.

It may include
analgesia, paralysis,
amnesia or
Types of Anesthesia
All types of anesthesia are administered to keep you comfortable and
painless during surgery, procedures or medical exams. But there are
some differences between each of the types of anesthesia. There are 4
types of Anesthesia:

General Anesthesia Local Anesthesia

Sedation Regional Anesthesia

The Use of Anesthesia
Anesthesia is used to induce unconsciousness during
surgery. The medicine is either inhaled through a
breathing mask or tube, or given through an
intravenous (IV) line.

How Does Anesthesia

Anesthesia works by interrupting nerve signals in your
brain and body. It prevents your brain from processing
pain and from remembering what happened during
your surgery.
The History of Anesthesia

On October 16, William T.

G. Morton (1819-1868)
made history by being first
in the world to publicly
and successfully
demonstrate the use of
ether anesthesia for
surgery. This occurred at
what came to be called
"The Ether Dome," at
Massachusetts General
Hospital on patient Edward
Gilbert Abbott.

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