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BS Anesthesia KMU-IPMS
• Introduction
• Definition
• Anesthetic drugs
• Types
• Stages
• Purpose
Anesthesia is a greek word.
Combination of
“An” meaning “without”
“Aisthesis” meaning “sensation”.

William T.G Morton introduce anesthesia first on 16 octobar 1846.

Anesthesia is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness
that is induced for medical purpose.

It may include
Analgesia (releif from or prevention of pain)
Paralysis (muscle relaxation)
Amnesia (loss of memory)

A person under effects of anesthetic drugs is referred to as being anesthetized.

Anesthetic drugs
• Inhaltional agents
• Intravenous agents
• Local anesthetics
• Muscle relaxants
• Analgesic
• Anxiolytics
Types of Anesthesia
There are 3 main catagories of anesthesia
I. Local anesthesia
Numbs a small part of the body. (dental, stitches or lesson pain of geetting needle).
II. Regional anesthesia
Larger area of body numb and unable to feel pain. (epidural, spinal anesthesia).
III. General anesthesia
Effect CNS , so induce sleep (sedative), analgesia, unconsciousness and amnesia.
Stages of Anesthesia
1. Analgesia or disorientation (Induction)
2. Excitement or delirium
3. Surgical anesthesia
4. Respiratory arrest or Overdose
• unconsciousness (loss of awareness)
• Analgesia (loss of response to pain)
• Amnesia (loss of memroy)
• Immobility (loss of motor reflexes)
• Paralysis (Skeletal muscle relaxation)

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