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Human elements in love

We are being who have need for

social contact, for acceptance, for
recognition, for interaction and
We need love care and attention.
We are limited in what we are do .
Human elements in love
What I lack is being complemented
by others to make me whole
complete. The focus of my
attention shifts from my own or
others bodily presents and
gratification and communication
to a higher form of being with some
other more totally.
Human elements in love
 This allows formation of REAL
FRIENDSHIP where recognition of the
value of the others as object outside of me
is possible.

 it is letting people be more important than

physical gratification or perfection, to
grow in interiority, in inner directedness ,
rather than to response only in exterior
fashion for immediate self gratification or
• Intimate and faithful
companionship of a beloved .

• Intimate complementary of a
man and a woman that brings
inner security and joy in living.
• Religious does not renounce
every friendship but must
subordinate it and integrate
it to a strict interior
vigilance, to her/his
undivided love.
• We renounce the need for
attention, concern and
gratification of intimate
presence, promises, and
consolation leading to
exclusivity, genitality,
a married life.
•Affective life

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