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Career Theory
PSY 714
Spring 2007
Instructor: Emily E. Bullock, Ph.D.
Social Cognitive
Career Theory (SCCT)
► SSCT attempts to provide explanation of
how people…
1. Develop vocational interests
2. Make and remake occupational choices
3. Achieve varying levels of career success and
Social Cognitive Career Theory
► SelfEfficacy Beliefs
► Outcome Expectations
► Personal Goals
Social Cognitive Career Theory
► Three models of SCCT:
 Interest model
 Choice model
 Performance model
Social Cognitive Career Theory
► Interest Model
 Interest develops when people…
►View themselves as competent in the activity
(self efficacy)
►Anticipate that performing it will produce valued
outcomes (outcome expectations)
 Development of interest increases the likelihood
of goal development (personal goals) and
 Role of abilities and values
 Role of personal variables
Social Cognitive Career Theory
► Choice Model
 Goals motivate efforts to implement a goal
(choice actions) which are followed by a
pattern of performance success and failures
 Likelihood of interest translating into goals and
goals to actions is effected by…
►Level of environmental support
►Barriers in relation to their preferred career path
Social Cognitive Career Theory
► Performance Model
 Assumption: competent performers will be
persist and be allowed to persist by the
 Performance is the interplay of ability, self-
efficacy, outcome expectations, and
performance goals
SSCT: Considering Practice
► Interventions based in the sources of Self-
► Career information fosters more realistic
outcome expectations
► Assessment results are “snapshots” at a
point in time
SSCT: Considering Practice
► Expanding Choice Options
► Coping with Barriers and Building Supports
► Goal Setting and implementation
► Increasing work satisfaction
► Facilitating work performance
SSCT: Considering Practice
► How would SCCT explain or work with the
following issues?
 Your client has never engaged in a particular career-
related activity
 Your client has never heard of someone like them that
does a particular job

► Evaluating SCCT
 How is it different and/or similar to other theories?
 How might you see using SCCT in your work with client?

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