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Robert Gagne (1916–2002) was an

educational psychologist who pioneered
the science of instruction in the 1940s. His
book "The Conditions of Learning," first
published in 1965, identified the mental
conditions that are necessary for effective
 Intellectual skills
 Intellectual skills involve the procedural
knowledge (how to do things). The
intellectual skills are subdivided into
different levels of learning: discrimination,
concrete concept, defined concept, rule,
and problem-solving (Gagne et al., 1992).
 Cognitive strategy
 Cognitive strategy is another type of
intellectual skills for learning and thinking.
Learning strategies include rehearsal
(verbally repeat, underline, or copy
materials), elaboration (associate new
information with the existing one through
paraphrasing, summarizing, note-taking, and
questions and answers), and organizing
(arrange material in an organized and
meaningful order through outlining, concept
mapping, advance organizer, etc.)..
 Verbal information
 Verbal information is concerned with the
declarative knowledge (e.g., facts, information,
names, places, etc.). To assist learning of verbal
information, the instructor may teach students
different mnemonic techniques (e.g., keyword,
loci, imagery, etc.) and help students relate new
information to what already exists in memory
to make learning meaningful and memorable.
Use one of the learning strategies (rehearsal,
elaboration, and organize) and provide distinct
cues to assist memory.
 Motor skills
 Motor skills (also called psychomotor skills)
are sequences of motor responses or
movements, which are combined into
complex performances. These physical
performances are assessed by rapidity,
accuracy, force, or smoothness. For example:
dancing, skateboarding, fly-fishing, skiing,
writing with a pencil, etc. The motor skills
can be further divided into sub skills (part
skills), which are performed simultaneously
or in sequential order to produce
 Attitude
 Attitude is an internal state that affects
personal choices and actions over an object,
person, event, and so on. Although it is a
complex human state, it can be measured by
observing the person's choice or action. The
measurement of attitude is often seen in a
form of a self-reported questionnaire, which
may use Likert-scale and/or open-ended
questions. Using a role model has been
known to teach attitude effectively. Other
methods involve using reinforcement to
encourage a desired behavior and using a
conditioned response method to promote
certain attitudes.
To be placed on a one-forth sheet of paper,

From the Gagne’s condition of

learning, I realized that…

(Make sure to insert the events of

learning discussed on your

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