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Curso: 7mo. B
• In prehistoric art, the term "cave painting"
encompasses any parietal art which involves the
application of colour pigments on the walls, floors or
ceilings of ancient rock shelters. A monochrome
cave painting is a picture made with only one colour
(usually black) - see, for instance, the monochrome
images at Chauvet

Cave drawings 30.000 BC

• Since the invention of writing, people
had been trying to come up with
something easier to write on than
papyrus or parchment, and also
something easier and cheaper to make.
But it took 3000 years to come up with
paper! Paper was invented around 100
BC in China. In 105 AD, under the
Ddynasty emperor Ho-Ti, a government
official in China named Ts'ai Lun was
the first to start a paper-making industry.
• Ts'ai Lun seems to have made his

Paper made in China

Manuscript transcription was
developed as a writing standard
in Europe so that the Latin
alphabet could be easily
recognized by the literate class
from different regions.

Manuscript Transcription 382 BCE

• Johannes Gutenberg is usually cited
as the inventor of the printing press.
Indeed, the German goldsmith's 15th-
century contribution to the technology
was revolutionary — enabling the
mass production of books and the
rapid dissemination of knowledge
throughout Europe. However, the
history of printing begins long before
Gutenberg's time.

Printing press 1450

The slate to create to be able to correct or for
classroom in the works, schools etc

Blackboard 1700
In the visual period of visual audio of audio of 1910 they
did not exist almost at the telephones, the computers
and the television

Audio visual 1910

• In the period the rolls of movie were created in they were
using it for it was teaching in the school and to facilitate
education of the children

Film strip projector1930

• The first type of overhead
projector was the episcope,
replaced in the 1940s by the
earliest modern devices. Only
after educators adopted the
overhead projector did it truly
come into its own. Overhead
projectors today are standard
equipment in schools and
many businesses. I have been
taught on this since I was in
elementary school.

Overhead projector 1940

The age of the computer of 1990 they all were surprised and all that
they laugh to use them but more they were using in her in the schools,
works and many things mas, it was helping very much

Computer age 1990

• The digital age was a great impression in the world
with everything technological us to helped in many
things as works etc

The digital age 1990

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