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Quiz #2

Items 1-5:
True or False
1. Guidance is education.
2. Guidance is a continuous process.

3. Guidance is fundamentally not

the responsible of parents in the
4. Individual differences are not
important in guidance.

5. Guidance is not limited to a few.

Items 6-10
Write which type of guidance is
6. To develop good eating habits.
7. To give information about
different occupations
8. To develop good manners and
right conduct.
9. To help students develop
desirable work and study habits.
10. To help children adjust
themselves to the social
Items 10-15

Enumerate 5 out of 7 Scopes of

Quiz #3
Items 1-5: Answer the questions.
1. Who is the Father of Guidance?
2. Who is the Father of Guidance in the
3. In what year did Dr. Padilla opened a
Psychological clinic?
4. Before what year did guidance is
practiced and accepted but unknown
in the Philippines?
5. It was organized in 1953 in order to
study the needs, interests and
personalities of young people.
4. Before what year did guidance is
practiced and accepted but unknown
in the Philippines?
5. It was organized in 1953 in order to
study the needs, interests and
personalities of young people.
6. What are the two major concerns of
Philosophy in the Foundations of
7. Contented that both mind and body
existed, what belief is this?
8. This is concentrated on natural
phenomena or facts that were objectively
observable, what belief is this?
9. This emphasized the reason, innate
ideas and deductions guide knowledge,
what belief?
10. This asserted that all human
choices were determined by the laws
of nature. What belief?
Enumerate the Foundations of

16-19: Enumerate Bases for Guidance

20. The latest Legal Bases of Guidance
is seen in Section 3, Article IX of what

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