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14 thSunday

of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Great is our
Come let us sing to
every nation:
"Great is our God and
He is the Rock of our
Lift up your hearts and
So sing, for we are
God's people;
For he has shown us his
He gathers us to his
To partake of his grace.
Come let us sing to
every nation:
"Great is our God and
He is the Rock of our
Lift up your hearts and
So when the Lord's
voice you hear,
Don't fear or harden
your hearts.
We know that our God
is near,
By the Word He
Come let us sing to every
"Great is our God and King!
He is the Rock of our
Lift up your hearts and

Great is our God and King

14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
I confess to almighty
God and to you, my
brothers and sisters, that
I have greatly sinned, in
my thoughts and in my
words, in what I have
done and in what I have
failed to do,
Through my fault, through my
fault, through my most
grievous fault; therefore I ask
blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all
the Angels and Saints, and
you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the lord our
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Kyrie Eleison
You were sent to heal
the contrite of heart.

//Kyrie Eleison.//
You came to call
sinners all.

//Christi Eleison.//
You are seated at the
right hand of the
Father, to intercede for
us, to intercede for us.
//Kyrie Eleison.//
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Glory to God
Glory to God in the
highest, and peace
to God’s people on
earth. (4x)
Lord God heavenly
King, Almighty God and
the Father, we worship
you, we give you thanks
we praise you for your
//Glory to God in
the highest, and
peace to God’s
people on earth//
Lord, Jesus Christ only
Son of the Father. Lord,
God lamb of God you
away the sins of the
world, have mercy on
us, have mercy on us.
You are seated at
the right hand of
the Father receive
our prayer, receive
our prayer.
//Glory to God in
the highest, and
peace to God’s
people on earth//
For you alone are the Holy
One, You alone are the
Lord, you alone are the
most high, Jesus Christ
with the Holy Spirit and
the glory of God the
Father. Amen.
//Glory to God in
the highest, and
peace to God’s
people on earth//
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
First Reading

14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Responsorial Psalm:
“Let all the earth cry
out to God with joy”
Second Reading

14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Alleluya, alleluya
wikain Mo, Poon
nakikinig ako sa iyong
mga salita. Alleluya,
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Gospel Reading:
I believe in One God,
tha Father Almighty.
Maker of heaven and
earth, of things
visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord
Jesus Christ, the Only
Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father
before all ages.
God from God, Light
from Light, true God
from true God,
begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the
through him all things
were made. For us
men and for our
salvation he came
down from heaven,
and by the Holy
Spirit was incarnate
of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was
crucified under Pontius
Pilate, he suffered death
and was buried, and rose
again on the third day in
accordance with the
and by the Holy
Spirit was incarnate
of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right
hand of the Father. He will
come again in glory to
judge the living and the
dead and his kingdom will
have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the
Father and the Son, who with
the Father and the Son is
adored and glorified, who has
spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic
and apostolic Church. I
confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of
the dead and the life of the
world to come. Amen.
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Prayers of the faithful:
Lord, listen to your
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Blest are you Lord
Blest are you, Lord, God of
all creation,
thanks to your goodness
this bread we offer:
fruit of the earth, work of
our hands,
it will become the bread
of life
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever!
Blest are you, Lord, God of
all creation,
thanks to your goodness
this wine we offer:
fruit of the earth, work of
our hands,
it will become the cup of
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be God forever!
Christify the gifts we bring
to you, bounty of the
earth receive anew, take
and bless the work of our
hands, Christify this gifts
at your command.
Sun and moon and earth and
wind and rain. All the worlds
contain in every gain. All the
toils and dreams of human
kind. All we are, we bring as
bread and wine.
Turn the bread and wine our
hearts implore. To the living
presence of the Lord.
Blessed and broken shared
with all in need. All our
hungers sacred bread will
With this bread and wine
You Christify. Now our
deepest thirst You satisfy.
We who by this bread You
sanctify. Draw the world
for You to Christify.
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of host. Heaven
and earth are full of
your glory, full of
your glory.
//Hosanna, in the
Blessed is He
who comes in
the name of the
Hosanna, in the
highest. (4x)
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
We remember how you
loved us to your death
and still we celebrate
for you are with us
And we believe that
we will see you when
you come, In your
Glory Lord. We
remember. We
celebrate. We believe
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Our Father who art in
heaven, hallowed be
thy name. Thy kingdom
come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in
Give us this day our
daily bread and
forgive us our
trespasses, as we
forgive those
Who trespass against
us, and lead us not
into temptation. But
deliver us, deliver us
from evil.
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
For the kingdom,
the power and the
glory, are Yours
now and forever.
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Lamb of God you
take away the sins
of the world.
Have mercy,
have mercy on
Lamb of God you
take away the sins
of the world.
Have mercy,
have mercy on
Lamb of God you
take away the sins
of the world.
Grant us peace,
grant us peace.
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
Diyos ay Pag-
Pag-ibig ang siyang
Sa ating puso't
Ang siyang nagdulot sa
ating buhay
Ng gintong aral at pag-
Pag-ibig ang siyang
buklod natin
Di mapapawi kailan pa
Sa puso't diwa tayo'y
isa lamang
Kahit na tayo'y
Pagka't ang Diyos natin
Diyos ng pag-ibig
Magmahalan tayo't
At kung tayo'y bigo, ay
h'wag limutin
Na may Diyos tayong
Sikapin sa ating
Ating ikalat sa buong
Pag-ibig ni Hesus ang
siyang sumakop
Sa bawa't pusong uhaw
sa pagsuyo
Pagka't ang Diyos natin
Diyos ng pag-ibig
Magmahalan tayo't
At kung tayo'y bigo, ay
h'wag limutin
Na may Diyos tayong
One bread, One
One bread, one
body, one Lord of
all, one cup of
blessing which we
And we, though
many throughout
the earth. We are
one body in this
one Lord.
Gentile or Jew,
Servant or free,
Woman or man,
No more.
One bread, one
body, one Lord of
all, one cup of
blessing which we
And we, though
many throughout
the earth. We are
one body in this
one Lord.
Many the gifts,
Many the works,
One in the Lord of
One bread, one
body, one Lord of
all, one cup of
blessing which we
And we, though
many throughout
the earth. We are
one body in this
one Lord.
Grain for the fields,
scattered and
grown, gathered to
one, for all.
One bread, one
body, one Lord of
all, one cup of
blessing which we
And we, though
many throughout
the earth. We are
one body in this
one Lord.
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
In omnibus amare
In omnibus servire
In omnibus amare et
servire domino
In everything love and
serve the lord
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental
I will sing forever of your
love, O Lord
I will celebrate the
wonder of your name
For the world that speaks
is a song of forgiveness
and a song of gentle
mercy and of peace
Let us wake at the
morning and filled with
your love and sing songs
of praise all our days for
your love is as high as the
heavens above us andyour
faithfulness as certain as
the dawn
I will sing forever of your
love, O Lord
I will celebrate the
wonder of your name
For the world that speaks
is a song of forgiveness
and a song of gentle
mercy and of peace
I will sing forever of
your love, O Lord for you
are my refuge and my
strength you fill the
word with you life-
giving spirit that speaks
your word your word of
mercy and of peace
And I will sing forever
of your love, O Lord
Yes, I will sing forever
of your love, O Lord
14 thSunday
of Ordinary
Santo Niño High School of Gitagum, Inc.
Pob. Gitagum Misamis Oriental

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