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digestive system is an organ system

that works to receive food from outside and
prepare it to be absorbed by the body
through a series of specific processes both
technically and enzymatically
digestive system function
• oral cavity (teeth,tongue and the openings of the ducts of the salivary glands)
• pharynx
• esophagus
• stomach/gaster (cell:mucolu,chief,pariental
• small intestine (cells;globet,microvilli enteroendocrine;liver,gallbladder,pancreas)
• large intestine
• anuss
digestive system function

 the fungsi of the digestive sytem is to change these complex organic

nutrient molecules into simple organic ang inorganic melecules that can
then be absorbed into the blood or lymph to be trasported to cells
(scanlon cells.207)
Digestive System Section

the two divisions of the digestive system are :

the alimentary tube extends from the mounth to the consists of the oral cavity,pharynx
(oropharynx) esophagus,stomach,small intestine,and large intestina
the accessory organs of digestion are the teeth,tongue, salivary glands,liver, gallbladder,and
pancreas.degestion does not take place within these organs,but each contributes something to the
digestive process
Type of Digestion Process
• Mechanical digestion is the physical breaking up of food into smaller pieces, example:chewing
• the work of the digestive enzymes is the chemical digestion of broken-up food particles,in which complex
chemical molecules are changet into much simpler chemicals that the body can utilize.such enzymes are
specific with respect to the fat,protein,or carbohydrate. example: protein-digesting enzymes work only on
proteins,not on carbohydrates or fats.
Organic Molecules in Food

• three types of complex organic molecules found in food are:

1. Carbohydrates (amilium & disaccharides)→ are digested to maltose & monosaccharides such as
glucose, fructose.and galactose
2. proteins→amino acids
3. fast→fatty acids and glycerol
Also part of food.and released during digestion,are vitamins.minerals,and water
Oral Cavity

 Oral cavity limit:

 superior: hard palates & hard palates
 later: mukosapipi
 inferior: the floor of the mouth
 In the oral cavity there are:
 teeth
 tongue
 drooling estuary
Oral cavity
 function: chewing (a mechanical process whereby food is converted into
smaller pieces, while mixed with saliva)
 types of teeth (incisivus, canines, plemoral, molar

 Tongue
tongue function: helps move food when chewed / swallowed. taste (taste sense) of speech
salivary glands

• Saliva / saliva = digestive fluid in the oral cavity

• estuary from: parotid kelencer, submandibular, sublingual.
• triggers salivary secretion; food, foreign matter, food odor → parasympathetic
• reduce secretion: stress → sympathetic
• Amylase enzyme: Amylum → Maltose
• phatynx
• Oropharynx & laryngopharynx
• Foodpassageways connecting oral cavity-esophagus, no digestion
 Esophagus

 Esophagus
 Peristaltic no digestion
 lower esophageal sphincter
 Rolax → Bolus enter the stomach
 Contraction → prevent gastric fluid from entering the
Mucous cell→mucus
parietal cel→HCI &Faktor intrinsik
Chief cell→ Pepsinogen
G cell→ hormon Gastrin
Pepsin: polypeptide→peptide
Enzymatic Digestion
• complex organic molecules digestionlocalization molecular changes that occur Carbohydrates 1. Mulut
1 Amilum→Maltosa (amylase saliva)
2 Amilum→maltosa(amylase pancreas)
2 Duodenum 3 Maltosa→glucosa+glucosa(maltase)
3 jejunum-ileum Sukrosa→glucosa+fruktosa(sucrase)
Protein 1.Lambung 1.protein→polypeptide(pepsin)
2.Duodenum 2.polypeptide→peptide (trypsin)
3.jejunum-ileum 3.peptide→asam amino(peptidase)

Lemak 1.Duodenum 1.lipid→lipid teremulsi(garam empedu)

jejunum, ileum lipid teremulsi→asam lemak+glycerol(lipase)

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