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Pre-Visualisation: Camera Control Pt 4 – Contra Zoom.

Contra Zoom:

For this exercise it

consisted of using
the focal length in
the camera to
zoom in and zoom
out. For this I set
the camera up a
distance away
from the
character and set
the focal length to
100 and then the
roll camera option
to 16. From there
I then key framed
all required
excluding the
thirds layer and
I then jumped to frame
100 and altered the roll
to -16 and then reduced
the focal length to 15 so
that you see the whole
corridor in shot; giving
this stretching feel to
the shot as the camera
draws back from the
character and rotates
away from its original
position. I then
keyframe all required
options and then play
blasted the clip to get
the final outcome.
Pre-Visualisation: Camera Control Pt 4 – Camera Shake.

Camera Shake:
For this tutorial I looked at
creating a camera shake
within a scene. For this to
work I had to import the
camera shaker node from
the file provided. From
there I then had to drag
the camera under shake
node for this operation to
work so that the shaker
node now has control
over the camera
Different Camera Shakes:
Here I tested each shake effect, for each to
work the intensity had to be set and then
either the translate or rotate operation had
to be altered to achieve the effect. Without
changing the translate or rotate options the
shake wouldn’t occur.
Animating Car.

Frame 1 Frame 2
Here I animated the car to travel down the street, to do so i selected the car group controls and the moved the car in the Z
axis to the end of the street and key selected translate Z. I then repeated this process for the car at the end of the street.
From there I then went into the graph editor and straightened animation curve to remove the slowing and slow out Maya
had automatically put in.
Camera Shake

I then started to
put in the camera
shake. Starting at
frame 30 I had the
shake nodes set to
zero and on frame
35 I upped the
insanity to 0.3 on
the shake and 2
on the shake
translate and 3 on
the rotate;
alongside setting
the jitter intensity
to 0.3 and its
rotate position to
2. from there I
then jumped to
frame 56 and set
the camera shake
values back to
zero to show that
the disturbance
has passed.
With the clip complete I then play blasted the clip as a
.avi and encoded as a MS_CRAM and then upped the
quality scale and frame padding to the max to get the
best quality available.
Car Drop - Animating Car Drop.
From there I then looked at making th camera shake from
the car being dropped from a height. To do this I animated
the car group in translate Y so that it drops from above
the buildings out of shot.
Here I also straighten the graph curve to remove the slow-
in and slow-out.
I then added a little bounce to the car to imply the force of the impact affecting the car as it make contact
with the road below. This consisted of moving the car up slightly and then moving the car back down to
the grid, making sure to keyframe both actions.
Adding The Camera Shake: Frame 16 shake at 0. Frame 17 shake in motion using jitter and rotate, frame 25
camera shake stops once the car is no longer in shot.
Play blasted clip out as before using the same settings and
changed the name.

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