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Recycled Paper
Brand name: Papyrus
 Recycled paper
 Brand name: Papyrus
 Mascot: Pip
 Premium pricing
 Available as shopping bags, notebooks, popcorn
holders, designer paper, gift wrapping paper, paper
 Product logo and mascot as registered trademarks
on every item
 To encourage use of recycled paper for eco-friendliness and social well-

 To create desirability and image association for the brand so that the
product name becomes synonymous with environment-friendly and the
logo stands for quality

 First Phase: To be marketed in malls, restaurants, movie halls, art shops

and in greetings shop where the youngsters hang out
It will be marketed directly to consumers who would have to pay a little
extra for using it instead of conventional options (it will however not be
sold as a B2B product)

 Second phase: To achieve a degree of popularity so that there is a direct

B2B demand from these places for the associative brand image it would
offer them.
 The consumers are environmentally conscious

 They lead busy lifestyles and would not pro-actively take

up initiatives for the environment

 However, if provided with an option and avenue to support

environment they will take it up

 Major motivation being: Peer-evaluation

 They like the products they use to make a statement

 They discuss their preferences and recommend products

they like
 Funny, cheeky, friendly

 The product will be positioned through the

personification of Pip

 Tone of the Campaign: Tongue-In-Cheek

 The positioning in a single line: “Not preachy but

 The advertisements will use humour and quirkiness

 Every advertisement will feature Pip in different

roles resonating the brand personality

 Personality projected: street-smart, cool, popular,

friendly, social
Pip jumps, as all
the people
around cover
their mouths with

Pip turns around, smiles

and winks, flaps his hands

Pip runs up the

He climbs up to
the roof of a tall
Soft music plays throughout this advertisement
Pip gets up with attitude, dusts himself off, looks
around and jumps again

Pip lands up on the roof The same reactions are repeated

of Statue of Liberty as Pip floats…

Soft music plays throughout this advertisement

TVC VIDEO 1 click to play
 In the next series of ads, Pip will be shown in various
roles like teacher, doctor, lawyer, sweeper

 He will solve one environmental problem in each of

these roles

 As sweeper he will be shown as clearing away the

smoke with a long broom, then as teacher he will step
into a classroom and he will draw trees on the
blackboard and finally as doctor he will be shown
walking with a stethoscope and curing trees
 Fillers on MTV, VH1and HBO, Zoom, Pogo & Disney

 In-film advertising and during intervals in cinemas

 Appear as mini-stories between shows or within shows

 On TV a segment of spoof news-reading where the mascot

will read out funny stories about himself

 Tickers during specific shows which will carry trivia about

recycled paper and environment
 A fat man with a paunch is sleeping in the open air
and snoring heavily
 Pip comes running and climbs up on his stomach
 Every time man’ breathes out and his stomach goes
up the mascot reaches up to the sky and comes
back (like a ride!)
 Special jokes and smart quips - through SMSes and social
networking sites revolving around Pip

 Profile on Facebook and “Become a fan of Papyrus”

application with fun quizzes, jokes and activities

 Twitter

 Comic strips

 All the digital ads will carry a trivia about recycled paper in
small fonts below
 A huge rush at a cinema hall, crowded Mumbai
locals, etc.

 Pip will be flattened against the wall every time

people rush in

 After people would have gone, he will smile, wink

and again get inflated and be back to his normal
 Branded boxes (with logo and Pip) will be put up at major
malls, multiplexes, coffee shops, schools and colleges

 People will be invited to put used paper in these boxes

and the paper collected will be made into recycled paper
and distributed as stationary items and drawing paper for
under-priveleged kids

 Drawing and origami and handmade paper making

workshops and contests can also be organized for these
 Social networking sites: communities, special games, applications,
quizzes, fan pages and clubs, interactions, ad idea generations

 Banner ads

 Viral videos (animated) on You tube etc.

 Direct mailers

 Personal blog of Pip

 Comic strips

 Online games
 LED’s and LCD’s in malls, coffee shops,
restaurants etc. with Pip giving recycle paper trivia

 Cut outs of Pip will be put up at major malls,

multiplexes, coffee shops, schools and
 Downloads: Mobile games, Wall papers, ring tones
 Special Pip jokes as smses
 Quiz on environment, Pip etc. Winners will get
promotional offers, discounts etc.
 Use of blue-tooth technology: Consumers will be
informed about availability of the product when
they are near places where it is available.
 Sponsorship and tie-ups with colleges and schools (quizzes,
fests, etc. where Pip will promote the recycled paper.

 Creative problem solving where one problem related to

environment will be given and contestants have to come up
with out-of the box ideas on how Pip would have solved it

 Activities in book stores like Landmark and Crossword

 Apeksha Choudhury 128
 Eti Chordia
 Gunjan Dawani 149
 Mahesh Bhole 160
 Malaya Ranjan Das 162
 Renuka Jakhar
 Siddharth Panicker200
 Sukriti Sood
 Tulsi Zaveri 214

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