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Cestodes Habitat Features Egg/Larv Mode of Hosts or Diagnosis Disease/

a Infection Vector Treatment

Diphyllobotri Small intestine Unarmed Ova: bile Ingestion of 1st IH- cyclops Microscopic Diphyllobothria
um latum scolex; spoon stained, ovoid, raw or exam of feces sisor
shaped or operculated, uncooked 2nd IH- fresh for Bothriacephalo
“Fish spatulate w/ thick shelled infected fish water fishes operculated us
tapeworm/ bothria embryonated eggs or Anemia
Broad IS- FH-man, dog, vommited
Tapeworm” Uterus in Larval Plerocercoid cat proglottids Prasiquantel
rosette form stages: larva Niclozamide
Largest coracidium
tapeworm of procorcoid (IH-
man cyclops)
(IH- fresh
water fish)

Taenia Small intestine Genital pore is Egg: Non- Eating of beef IH- cattle, cow, Microscopic Taeniasis-
saginata marginal operculated; infected with buffalo exam of stool leading to
inner Cypticercus for eggs, obstruction of
“beef Uterus is embryophore is bovis FH- man proglottids or organs
tapeworm” dichotomous thick walled scolex
and radially Praziquantel
Unarmed striated;
scolex With an Niclozamide

Larva :
Taenia solium Small intestine Armed scolex IS:Cypticercus Ingestion of IH- pork Stool exams for Cypticercosis;
“pork (hooklets cellulosae infected pork eggs or Neurocysticerco
tapeworm” shaped like FH-man proglottids sis (most
daggers or IS: Cypticersus serious zoonotic
Arabian cellulone disease)
Uterus is Niclozamide

Genital pore is
marginal and
Cestodes Habitat Features Egg/Larv Mode of Hosts or Diagnosis Disease
a Infection Vector and
Echinococcus lymphatics -Scolex bears 4 Egg: resembles IS: IH: sheep, goat, radiographic Hydatid sand;
Granulosus suckers and a Taenia egg but embryonated pig, cattle, findings Alveolar cyst
protrusible ovoid egg horse
“Hydatid worm/ rostellum Immuno Surgical
Dog tapeworm” IS: hydatid cyst Definitive Host: diagnosis removal/
(canines like Albendazole
Smallest dogs, wolf, fox)
tapeworm of
man Accidental
Host- Man

Hymenolepsi Small intestine Uterus is sac- Egg: double IH: fleas Eggs passed in Hymenolepiasis
s diminuta like and membrane IS: feces
transverse Larva: Cysticercoiod AH- man Praziquantel
“rat cysticercoid
tapeworm” unarmed

Dipylidium Double pored Ova: Thin IS: IH: Eggs passed in Dipylidiasis
caninum walled and Cysticercoid Ctenocephali feces
Rose thorn spherical des canis: Praziquantel
“Dog hooklets Dog flea
Tapeworm” Gravid Ctenophalides
proglottids files: cat flea
human flea
canis: dog flea

Hymenolepsi Ileum Subglobular Ova: spherical Ingestion of DH: rodents , Embryonated Praziquantel
s nana armed w/inner eggs or of man eggs in feces
rostellum embryo has 3 infected
“Dwarf pair of lancets arthropod in Demonstration
tapeworm” and w/c of
Smallest intermembran cysticercoid characteristic
tapeworm ous spaces larve are ova in the
affecting man released and stool
Trematode Habitat Features Egg/Larv Mode of Hosts or Diagnosis Disease
s a Infection Vector and
Schistosoma superior Eggs: Skin IH: Stool exam S. japonicum-
japonicum mesenteric nonoperculate penetration Onchomelania Katayama’s
“Oriental blood veins of the d; bottle neck for S. disease
fluke” small egg IS: cercariae japonicum
intestine S. haematobium-
S.japonicum- Bilharziasis or
Schistosoma vesicle and lateral knob bloody urine
haematobium pelvic IH: Bulimus
“Vesical blood plexus of S.haematobiu and Physopsis S. mansoni-
fluke” the venous m- terminal for S. Swimmer’s itch
circulation; spine haematobium
urinary Praziquantel
bladder S.mansoni-
Schistosoma lateral spine
mansoni mesenteric IH:
“Manson’s blood veins of Biomphalaria
fluke” colon and and
smallest blood rectum Australorbis
fluke for S. mansoni

Paragonimus lungs Coffee or bean Ova: oval; Ingestion of IH: Brotia Feces and Paragonimiasis
westermani shaped thick shelled; insufficiently asperata sputum exam
with flattened or uncooked (snail) Praziquantel
“Oriental Lung in pairs or in opercular and crustaceans Misdiagnosed Bithionol
Fluke” threes in thick containing 2nd on
fibrotic abopercular metacercariae IH:Sundathelp pulmonarytub
capsules or end usa philippina erculosis
cysts in the or
lungs Parathelpusa
Eurytrema pancreas Stout worm Ova: dark IH: :
pancreaticum with brown thick Macrochlamys
ruffled shelled and indica (snail)
“pancreatic margins operculated
Trematode Habitat Features Egg/Larv Mode of Hosts or Diagnosis Disease
s a Infection Vector and
Fasciolopsis intestine no cephalic operculated Ingestion of 1st IH: snail- Stool exam for Fasciolopsiasis
buski cone encysted Segmentina unembryonate
no shoulders metacercariae sp. d eggs Praziquantel
“Giant Intestinal on aquatic Hippentis sp.
Fluke” plants
2nd IH: fresh
Largest IS: water
trematode metacercariae vegetation
seed pods of
water caltrop
bulb of a fresh
water chestnut

Echinostoma Intestine Oral suckers Ova: “germ Ingestion of IH: Gyraulus Heterophydias
ilocanum surrounded by ball” egg infected fish or convexiuscul is
circumoral vegetation us
“Garrism’s fluke” disk w. crown dot-like
of spines operculum Infective Gyraulus
stage: prashadi
Larvae: no metacercaria
sporocyst 2nd IH: - Pila
stage but with luzonica
2 redial stages (kuhol)
Corbicula sp
Heterophyes intestine With 3 suckers Ova: As Ingestion of Detection of Unembryonate Praziquantel
heterophyes oral, ventral Clonochis metacercariae eggs in the d eggs
and genital sinensis in infected stool using
“Von Siebold’s ovumoperculat fishes Kato Katz
Trematode Habitat Features Egg/Larv Mode of Hosts or Diagnosis Disease
s a Infection Vector and
FASCIOLA liver Ova: looks like Ingestion of IH: Lymnea Unembryonate Fascioliasis
HEPATICA Conical hen’s egg metacercariae philippinensis d eggs
projection in aquatic (snail) Bithionol
“SHEEP LIVER called cephalic plants
FLUKE” cone 2nd IH: blades
IS: of grass and
FASCIOLA metacercariae water plants

Chlonorchis liver Unbranched Ova: smallest Ingestion of IH: Bulimus Embryonated Clonorchiasis
sinensis intestine like an old- raw or fuschiana egg
fashioned undercooked (snail) Triclabendazole
“Chinese liver electric bulb fish; salted Bithionol
fluke” or pitcher- and dried 2ndIH:Ctenoph
shaped fishes aryngondon
idellus (fish)

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