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Daniel’s Story


Foo Wei Syen as Daniel

Benjamin Wong as Daniel’s Mother & Lecturer

Lim Jun Yen as Daniel’s brother/Michael & Daniel’s Uncle

Yadvendra Giri as “The Rich Man” & Company Boss

Present by Max Team

What is this story about?

A young boy named Daniel who is living in a fishing village with his mother

and his brother(Michael) is having a hard life since the death of his father. Few

years ago, Daniel’s father went to the city, started computer business there but

unfortunately, he got cheated and murdered. Now, after Daniel’s secondary

school graduation, he wanted to go to the city to further his studies, but

because of the incident that happened to his father, his mother doesn’t allow

him to go. In the end, will he be able to further his studies? Find out more on

his story, full of challenges…

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