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The 7Cs

Group 2
Chapter 5 - 7

Stage 3: Create
At this stage of the project cycle, your aim is to develop a unique and specific
solution that will deliver the most appropriate remedy for your client’s problem.

The process offered in this stage of the model follows this pattern:
 Managed creativity : develop potential solutions for the core issue
 Divergent scanning : explore the possibility of finding solutions
 Convergent choice : assess the impact of the final decision
 Solution storyboard : start to validate the potential solutions
 Resourcing the solution: map the resources to the potential solutions
Managed Creativity
Decision-making process:

Divergent part stages: Convergent part stages:

Challenge, Randomize, Explore Appraise, Test, Evaluate
The first stage of the divergent process is to ensure that you are mentally
prepared to change the status quo.

Wherever possible, try to put a clear objective for the creative challenge in writing.
Develop a statement that sets out what you hope to achieve at the end of the
“Create” stage.

Without this kind of initial focus, the “Create” process will start to address ideas
that are off-center and have little to do with the client’s goal.
If we are going to originate new ways of thinking, it is important to step outside the
box – to take on board new and chaotic ways of viewing the world.
Once the wild and random ideas are generated, it is important to play with them
and start to flesh out how they might be used.

In other words, this means that each of the ideas is played with in the same way
that a baby experiments with a new toy. You can achieve this by asking the
• How would it work?
• Can it be used in any other way?
• What happens if it is used with another option?
• How would it be organized?
• What resources would it need?
• Where are the synergies?

The exploring stage is the final element in the “divergent process”.

The appraisal stage is used to make the transition from divergent to convergent
thought patterns and so start the closure phase.

Your aim at this point is to filter out those ideas that do not seem to add value
and/or are less effective than others offered in the generative stage.
Once the intuitive appraisal process is complete, then you will need to be more
explicit and rigorous in selecting the ideas that will be used.

This is the final gate that the ideas must pass to ensure they offer effective solutions.

One of the effective approach is to use a criteria-based selection model.

Finally, once the number of potential solution is down to a short list of (let’s say) two
or three, they can be evaluated the core challenge set out at the start of the
process. The process of evaluation is logical and judgmental and is not directly
part of the creativity stage.

Evaluation can be based along these lines:

• Is the idea is feasible?
• What benefits will it offer?
• What resources are required?
• Does it fit the need of the end client?
Evaluate (Cont’d)
When any idea is being evaluated, it can fall into one of many categories:
• directly usable now
• good idea but not for us and/or not for now
• needs more work to bring it into a usable form
• has value but cannot be used because of regulatory, environmental etc.
• interesting but unusable (only for future investigation)
• weak value when really put to the test
• unworkable because it has fundamental impossibilities that prevent it from
being delivered
Divergent Scanning
Two key variables in scanning:
1. Breadth of the search: is the search based within the same
industry or dose it move into a totally different area?
2. Balance between a passive and active search: for the passive
search, systems are put in place and then left to react to ideas as
they surface. Alternatively, you can search in a proactive way.
Divergent Scanning (Cont’d)

 Ration: there is only limited interest in searching.

 Radiate: ideas from other areas are of interest, but little positive action is
taken to pick up them.
 Rummage: the creative team will take the time to interact closely with
new people, but search is still limited to the local area.
 Roam: a positive decision has been taken to look aggressively for
inspiration beyond the local area and to look actively for ideas from
counterparts in other industries and across more diverse fields.
Organizations that operate according to
network model have the following

● Self-stability
● Self-reproduction
● Self-regulation
● Self Organization
Convergent Choice
● Six factors that can have a significant impact
on long-term success of a change process :
- Control : Does the client have all necessary
power to effect the suggested solution ?
- Hungry : Does the client really want to do
this to the exclusion of spending time and
energy on other important activities ?
- Options : Can we guarantee that all
possible options have been considered?
- Internalization : Is this solution for which we/the client
accept responsibility?
- Consequences : Have we fully considered what can
happen as a consequence of the choice and still believe it
is a best option ?
- End Game : Can we be sure that this choice aligns and
supports the clients desired outcome ?
Managing that six factors does not guarantee that the
solution will be successful. What it does do is help you to
become more conscious of the factors that affect the
solution’s chances of success.
Control Over Outcome
These are 3 types of choices

You would You need to

You can like to but convince
deliver the can’t others to
intended actually support
outcome. deliver the your
intended desired
outcome. goal.

The consultant spends time in the area that will realize the most payback.
Hungry for
● An intelligent choice made
without the emotional quotient
may be brilliant, but it’s unlikely
to be either sustainable or
● Knowing what you want to do
and how to get there are not
enough. You need passion and
● As consultants we often have to
get emotionally engaged with
the choices we make and not
feel shy about saying so.
● We must find a way to
communicate the choices that
comes from our heart and build
an instant connection so that it
touches the hearts of the
consumers of the change.
● Hunger leads to desire, desire
leads to dreams, and dreams
lead to passion and committed

Dead Choices Policies Discounting
The objective for the consultant is to ensure that they have
helped the client to develop sufficient options to deliver the
required solution or known as Ashby’s Law of requisite variety.
Ashby suggested that any regulator must have as much or
more variety than the system it regulates.
Internalization of
● Responsibility
It is important to understand that the choice
we make is the choice that I make or forced
on me by someone else.
● People who internalize operate from self-
concept that says “I take responsibility for
both good and bad things that happen in my
● People who externalize take the view that “I
can’t take responsibility for the good or bad
outcomes because they stem from the action
taken by other people”.
● Most of us fall somewhere in the middle,
believe that the life we have is a combination
of our own effort and the outside
circumstances that affect the outcomes of
● Many people will not try to achieve something if they do not
believe it is attainable.
● People who have internal locus of control think that they are
responsible for their successes and failures.
● Example of internal locus : I can control my feelings, I prefer

Sometimes we look around at our lives and
wonder how we arrived where we are. What
happened was that we made choices along
the road and those choices had
Each choice point signifies that an outgoing
state or process is about to change into a new
state or process.
For the choice that you might make there will
be a set of consequences, positive or
End Game Fit
● Each choice is a branch of a tree, terminating in a
list of consequences that follow if that branch is
Part of the role of consultant is to help the client
consciously make their choices and ensure that
wherever possible the choices take them towards
rather than away from their end goal.
The key question you have to ask when helping the
client take a choice is whether they have an end
game to measure it against.
Solution Storyboarding
Storyline 1 1. Undertake cultural audit to determine key drivers for the problem
2. Map issues and share them with selected focus groups to confirm target areas
3. Create action teams from the focus group member to own and manage the problem
4. Central project management team to overse and report back to board on resolution issues

Storyline 2 1. Run a series of large team meetings and alow people to voice concern
2. Allocate project leaders to each issue
3. Project leader to report back on progress at regular group meeting

Storyline 3 1. Invite unions to a meeting to consider problem

2. Identify what they believe the issues
3. Set up union/management teams to resolve issues
Resourcing The Solution
Range of tactical and strategic
1. Amaas : :Consultant needs to amass a poll of local talent and
resources to be drawn upon when sparse time surface
2. Borrow : important that you operate within the spirit and
letter of contract but always seek to deliver the agreed
outcome . If active borrowing ouside agreement, you must
ensure that the dominant stakeholder is aware and willing to
underwrite the action
3. Complement : adopting fa usion mentality it is possible to
generate the necessary resources
4. Demarcate : where possible, ring fenced group must be
included as part of the contractual arrangement with client
5. Economic : must understand the barter value of the
individuals within the project and where necessary trade to
ensure they remain locked into the process
6. Favours : everybody does a favor for everyone else
Stage 4 : Change
The change stage :

1. System dynamics – What are the deep systemic issues that will
cause the change stage to hit problem ?
2. Organization and disorganization – What factors related to the
organisation of the system will impact on the success of the change ?
3. Understand resistance – How can people be encourage to be
involved in the transformation?
4. Change spectrum – what type of change interventions to be involved
in the transformation
5. Consumer segmentation – How can the consumer be segmented
into group based on their desire for change ?
6. Methodology – Determine from the outset what metodology will be
used to drive the engangement
7. Energy maping – Understand where the forces are who impact the
System Dynamics

The consultant failure to take account of the total system

Action/Abort Better/Bluf Cure/Chaos

Issue has not been as the system falls
They don't have
resolved into chaos because
sensitivity to the
of an inappropriate
context and
The consultant failure to take
account of the total system

Deliver/Delay t any system will
have an optimum
You might mare a You are like level at which they
change on someone with a will operate and
assumption that it hammer who any effort to push
has been effective, believes that all this over the limit
but you might not problems can be will frustrating you
be around to see fixed with a nail. and damaging for
the impact the system
Organizations that operate according to
network model have the following

● Self-stability
● Self-reproduction
● Self-regulation
● Self Organization (tyas)
Understand the Resistance
a.Lack of conviction that change is needed
b.Dislike of imposed change
c.Dislike of surprise
d.Fear of the unknown
e.Reluctance to deal with unpopular issues
f.Fear of inadequacy and failure
g.Disturbed practices, habits and relations
h.Lack of respect in the person promoting change
Letting Go

At this stage of the cycle is to allow the

person to express their feelings.
Looking Forward

At this stage in the change cycle

the new thoughts and feelings
do not have to be newly
created, they only need to be
the individual or organization.
The Y-Curve

The Y-curse has a shaded area on where the

letting go and looking forwards phases cross.
This is the point of the doldrums where nothing
is mobbing. The person has disposed of the old
way of thinking and feeling but has not yet climbed
up the discover side to find a new way of being.
The D-spot

The one consistent activity that will

anyone who enter the Y-curve is to
help them
to understand why.
Change Spectrum

At the ‘client owns’ end of the spectrum the

assumption is that giving people a new
knowledge base modifies their behaviour.
Change levels
One way to help the client make sense of the change process is to offer a
simple tool that can describe the levels of change that sit across the change
spectrum. Working from one end to the other down the spectrum it is possible to
identify 6 types of change:

the consultant gives away significant

the consultant gives away significant
areas of the power, but does this
areas of the power, but does this
1. Command through agreement (because of the
through agreement (because of the 4. Nudge
desire to protect the change process)
desire to protect the change process)

The consultant gives away some level

of control and does not have absolute the consultant gives away significant
2. Helm power over the direction of the areas of the power, but does this 5. Guide
project, but still retains significant through agreement (because of the
authority over the direction of the desire to protect the change process)

The consultant shows an

The consultant owns the process and understanding potential problem—
3. Agree and negotiate does not delegate any of the power giving people time and space to 6. Empathy
to the client or consumers. acclimatize to the proposed change.
Change Spectrum Options

There is no right option with the change spectrum. You need to

be aware of the following:

1 What latitude do you have to regulate your

control over the change activities?
2 What type of intervention does the client
group prefer or expect?
What preference do you have? (Often
3 consultants will favour one particular type
of intervention based upon their
psychological preference and personal
4 What Budget is available to support the
5 What internal support processes are
Consumer Segmentation
c e st a r t s to stall
io n s w h en resista ries of the time
re w il l be occas w il l h av e war sto t h at refused
th e l ta nt s iv id u a l
ll consu up or ind ent the
change. A w it h a g ro to s e g m
e y spe n t battling p en s , it can help p p l ied in th
t h s h a p y is a
e. If thi that ener
to chang e n su re
dience to
target au
e s.
right plac
The worst thing that a
client or consultant ca
spend time and resour n do is to
ces trying to change so
that person does no meone if
t really contribute to
transformation process the end
Change segmentation matrix

Impact of Change Leaders Focus

Supporters Laggards

Low High

In this context, methodology refers to the underlying ethos and approach that will be used to

underpin all decisions and actions taken by the consulting team and client group.


Backstage Controlled

Accidental Debate

Low Visibility High

Four quadrant model

Simple matrix quadrant.

Emergent: allows for adaptive result

Four quadrant
Energy Mapping

The Source The Direction

The Mass
Energy Source

● Financial
● Operational
● Professional
● Interests Groups
● Custumer Facing Group
Energy Source
Energy Mass



Energy Direction

● Driver

● Doubtful

● Driven
Stage five: Confirm

Seven steps are offered in the confirm


● Responsibility
● Climb the ladder
● Cockpit Confirmation
● Quantitative-qualitative mix
● Measure thrice, cut once
● Confirm the costs
• Agree who will own and manage the
measurement process.
 Consultant
 Client
 Consumer
 Stakeholder
 External Verifier

• Our goal: bring together the player’s

perspectives to give a sense of balance
to the measurement process.
We must be able to take on a multiple
personality role
Climb the
• Deconstructs the system that is to be
acted upon into component parts, each
of which contribute to the success of
the change intervention.

• Measuring the change delivered on all

five levels too much leads to the
accusation of poor service by the
The difficulty comes in trying to define the
types of measures that can be used on the
five levels.
Climb the
• Change ladder offers a powerful tool
that will confirm if the change has been

• Measurement using only tried common

techniques potentially raise a fake
positive outcome.
• Is the system working?
• Has performance gone up?
• Are people using it?
• Does it do what it says on the
Climb the
• Ask the right question at the right time
to the right people.

• Avoiding these questions leads to

short-term fix but long-term failure.
• Change Stage can be compared to
flight stage because of the need to
balance two conflicting goals:
• Maintain a steady direction
• Flexible to face unexpected

• Neither the client nor the consultant

want to overshoot or undershoot the
goals and objectives agreed.
• An effective consultant will be able to plot a
directional heading and set a course to
deliver the change program even when
hampered by poor visibility and bad

• Consultant has to find reference measure

that provide an indication of success.
Cockpit Confirmation
The success of the project will be impacted by
people’s desire, understanding, and

Three core dimensions that impact how people

manage and respond to change:

Affective Cognitive Behavioral

• Evaluates the affective domain.

• Measurement techniques:
• Focus groups
• Peer observation
• Diaries
• Open-door policy
• Evaluates the cognitive domain.

• Measurement techniques:
• Written test
• Performance test
• Evaluates the ability to do something
physical (speed, precision, techniques).

• Measurement techniques:
• Observation
• Peer training
Cockpit Confirmation
• Evaluating Heart, Head, and Hand dimensions are important
regarding to the return of the change
Cockpit Confirmation
Defining dimensional criteria makes it
easier to fly a precision approach and land
the change project on the spot every time.
Qualitative - Quantitative Mix

➔ An analysis process to map and

measure the change

➔ Free measurement framework

➔ Analysis data tend to sit between

quantitative and qualitative

Qualitative Measures

❖ Based on “world view”

❖ Personal perceptions rather than objective facts

❖ Perceptually people’s viewpoints

❖ Individual varies perception

❖ Data gathered related with analysis purposes

process: coding Step 4
and categorizing

Step 3 interview
Step 1 Interactive transcripts,
conversations video or audio
Step 2
Quantitative Measures

An used to
objective Utilized generalize Consultant
and numerical and make more
structured decisions involved
process towards the
area under
1. Primary stage : data collection
a. Consultant manage a Confirm stage (what is the
most suitable for the project)

b. Harder school (systems, software, processes, etc)
c. Softer school (organizational development,
training, coaching, etc.)

2. Secondary stage : data analysis

a. Data interpreted, manipulated and presented (to
occur the problems)
b. Questionnaire, focus group, large group
diagnostic sessions, or web-based discussion
Scientific Research Method
Two Empirical Approaches
● Confirm stage closely related with
client and consultant “how have we
● Confirm are state of mind and
specific stage in the life cycle
● Confirm has strong link with Clarify
“what is going on?”, measurement
to changes
● 7Cs process is to measure the
‘current’, ‘doing’ and ‘done’.
1. Design : Confirm
○ Arise from initial front-end
○ Market to be measure, designing the survey criteria, The Cost
developing the questionnaires and arranging people
to attend focus group
○ The use of a professional to design or administer the
2. Deploy :
○ Direct operational cost
○ Printing & mailing questionnaires, meeting room,
professional interviewers and telephone charges
○ Predictable
3. Deliver :
○ Associated with measurement process (turning into
value for consultant and client)

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