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Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)

Resume Building -
Psychometric test -
Extempore -
Write up -
Aptitude -
Group Discussion -
Personal Interview -

Student Name – Amit Chambhare

Contact No - 9730006420
Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Resume Building -

• Currently pursuing courses from, courses are kali, advanced python, advanced

• Gathering more information of my interest so that I will be crisp & clear about the topic.

• Writing blogs on

Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Current affairs–

• I have lot of interest in current affairs, but may at the time of IDP I didn’t able to justify
myself so I got poor rating in current affairs.

• I am following various sites, daily news paper and articles to boost up my current affairs
Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Extempore –

• Extempore is the weakest point of mine, so I m focusing on my level of English speaking.

• I had started practice of speaking for 1 minute Infront of mirror, also started reading
books as well as watching English movies are helping me develop my vocabulary. I am
also following several IELTS and GMAT English improving pages to learns more.

• Need to improve my thought process a little bit.

Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Paragraph Write up –

• English writing is the strongest area of mine, so I doesn’t need to focus more on this area.

• Writing essay on random topics will help me out, also writing blogs will help me in
improving my writing skills.
Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Aptitude –

• I am moderate in aptitude, only I need to work on time management.

• For this purpose practice will be needed.

• So, I am referring aptitude papers of times it will help me in increasing my aptitude skill.
Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Group Discussion –

• Group discussion is also my weak point, so I have started discussing things with people
who have knowledge of any particular topic, irrespective of the language, because I have
observed that I lack by speaking in public so it is reducing my fear of public speaking.

• As I mentioned, need to improve my thought process as well as need to built where to

speak, where to grab the opportunity and where to let go.

• I need to have good command on English to convey my thoughts.

Action Plan for Placement(Next 3 months)
Personal Interview –

• I am good in my subject knowledge only thing I need to work out is that to be confident
while speaking Infront of interviewee.

•I have started looking at the questions which are frequently asked in the interviews and
started preparing for them with very proper answers.

• I need to work on my speaking skills and impactful speaking.

Support Required from CMC
• Guidance on extempore and group discussion.
• Practice personal interviews should be taken, it will help in enhancing skills of tackling
• Weekly tasks to improve several things like article reading, paragraph writing, extempore

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