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SmartPlant Review 5.


Brian Mullins

 Starting SmartPlant
 Downloading the Software
 Uploading Previous Changes and Opening Program
 Viewing Windows
 Main View
 Plan and Elevation View
 Using SmartPlant
 Navigating the Model
 Turning Features On/Off for Simple Navigation
 Searching for Equipment
 Measuring Equipment
 Verifying Orientation
 Saving a Photo of an Object
 Conclusion
 Appendices

Starting SmartPlant – Downloading Software
 Download the sprInstall.cmd file from the appropriate location on your project
 Speak to an administrator on your project to locate this file

Starting SmartPlant – Update and Open Program
 Begin by updating any prior changes by clicking on the “Update
Link.exe” for your project

 Next, open the SmartPlant Program by clicking on the “Open Link” for
your project

 If you have problems with you update link, see Appendix 1

Viewing Windows

Main View Plan View


 Main View Window – This is the primary window which you will view the
equipment through
 Plan View Window & Elevation View Window – Gives reference for where your
Main View Window is “looking”
Viewing Windows– Main View
This window is useful for the following functions:
Viewing Equipment for various reasons (interferences, positioning, etc.)
Measuring points of interest
Exploring the items that surround equipment (piping, structural, etc.)

Viewing Windows – Plan and Elev. Views
 The plan view and the elevation view windows allow
you to adjust the position and angle of your view in
the main view window
 Plan View – Useful for adjusting your view from a “birds
eye” vantage point above the plant
 Elevation View – Useful for adjusting your view from the
side view of the plant

Using SmartPlant
 Applications for Equipment Engineers
 View equipment for appropriate design in model
 Verify elevations and orientations of nozzles
 Verify dimensions of equipment
 Check for interferences with piping, structural, etc.
 Examine the surroundings of equipment so changes to
equipment can be made during equipment design phase

Using SmartPlant - Navigating the Model
 Using buttons in the “common” toolbar allow you to move
within the model
 Information Button – Allows user to select an object and view
 Forward/Back, Left/Right Button (free movement) – Allows
movement in any direction with rotation
 Pan – Allows movement directly left, right, up or down but no rotation
(unless “lock center point” is selected)
 Rotate – Allows 360 degree rotation but location does not change

Info Rotate
Using SmartPlant - Navigating the Model
 The movement buttons on the previous slide can be easier to
control around an item of interest by locking on that item
 Keep your view centered by pressing the “Lock Center Point” button to
lock the view to the item of interest (i.e. piece of equipment)

Lock Center Point Button

 Then use the “Pan” button to move around the point which will be locked
 This is done by putting the cursor on the point of rotation and press and hold
the left button of the mouse while you move around the point

Using SmartPlant - Navigating the Model
 The “Position Control” toolbar allows the user to adjust the view in the main
window by manipulating coordinates and angles
 Add this toolbar by clicking “View”, then “Toolbars”, then select “Position
 Position Control Toolbar– Use North, East and Elevation to adjust your
 Bearing – the direction in which your view is main view is pointing
 Elevation – angle of current view (i.e. -90 degrees is looking directly down)

Position Control Window

Using SmartPlant - Navigating the Model
 The “Perspective Angle” toolbar allows the user to zoom in on a
point without actually moving the viewing location closer to the
 This can be thought of as using a
magnifying glass, thus allowing the user to
get a closer view without navigating closer
to the point
 Add this toolbar by clicking “View”, then
“Toolbars”, then select “Perspective

Perspective Angle

Using SmartPlant - Turning Features On/Off
 Some features can be hidden in order to better view the item of interest (i.e. a single
piece of equipment)
 Many times it helps to view equipment with certain features removed such as piping
components, structural components, etc.
 This can be done by adding the “Project Manager” window to your screen and selecting the
features you want to appear in the model in your main view window
 To add the “Project Manager” window click “Views” and then select “Project Manager”

*See Appendix 3 for removing individual items such as a single piece of equipment
Using SmartPlant - Searching for Equipment
 Searching by Tag # is easiest way to find equipment in SmartPlant
 Choose Edit, Find Object
Begin by clicking Insert,
then select Find, Data,
Equip_No, =, “tag #”

 After finding the equipment, you can select the next button until you get a
view of the equipment which you prefer

Using SmartPlant - Measuring Equipment
 First, add the “Tools MiniBar” toolbar to your SmartPlant workspace
 This is done by clicking “Views”, then “Toolbars”, then select “Tools
 Next, find the equipment which you want to measure and adjust your
 Press the “Snaplock Measurement” button on the Tools MiniBar
 Select the object which you want to start the measurement from (not the
point, just the object)
 The program will then give you points on the object, choose the one which
fits your needs
 Press the “Snaplock Measurement” button again to select the second point
 Select the object with the point that you want to measure to
 Choose the point on the object where you want the measurement to end
 Interpret your data correctly from your measurement read-out which is
explained on the next slide
 After each measurement, you must delete the measurement
 To Delete Measurement: Press Ctrl+D

Using SmartPlant - Measuring Equipment
 Interpreting the measurement data:
 The readout of measurement data can be interpreted as if you were
standing in the plant and looking at the piece of equipment
 North, East Measurement – refers to the distance measured in those
 Elevation Measurement – refers to the distance measured up or down
(from ground to sky)
 Resultant – this is the resultant distance between the two points you

Using SmartPlant – Verifying Orientation
 Confirming nozzle orientation is very simple with
 Navigate to top view for vertical equipment or side view for
horizontal equipment
 Manipulate “Bearing” function in the position control window to
get a view which matches the nozzle orientation view on the
equipment drawing
 Then verify the orientations of the nozzles

Using SmartPlant – Saving a Photo of an Object
 Capturing and saving a view of a piece of equipment can be very helpful
 This is done by adjusting your “Main View” to capture the view of the
equipment that you desire
 Next, select the “Snapshot View” button from the common toolbar

Snapshot View Button

 The user will then be prompted to give a location to which the image will be
saved (as a .bmp file)
 The image can then be printed, emailed, etc. for easy communication with
other colleagues

 It is recommended that you have at least 1 GB of RAM in order to run this
program efficiently on you computer
 This was a brief introduction of a powerful program which can be very
helpful to equipment engineers
 It’s a very sensitive program so you may get frustrated during your first few
 However, hang in there and you’ll be cruising through the model in no time

First Use 1 Week Later

Appendix 1 – Downloading Previous Day’s Changes of SmartPlant

Appendix 2 – Common Toolbar Buttons

Appendix 2 – Common Toolbar Buttons Cont’d

*Referenced from SmartPlant Review User’s Guide

Appendix 3 – Removing Individual Items
 Removing individual pieces of equipment may be necessary to
improve the user’s view of other items
 This is done by creating a new display set in the “Project Manager”
window for the item to be removed
 Right Click “Display Sets”, select “New”, select “Display Set”, select
“Definition” (shown in figure below)

Appendix 3 – Removing Individual Items Cont’d
 Next enter a name for the display set (usually equipment tag # is used)
 Then enter a definition for the item which is to be assigned to the display set
(this is similar to the standard equipment search discussed previously)
 Click OK, then the display set will show up in the “Project Manager”
window with the name that you assigned
 Turn on/off this display set in the “Project Manager” window to add/remove
the item from the main window


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