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System Dynamics: a new methodology for a resilient and robust supply chain

Jorge Verissimo Pereira

WMG – Warwick University – UK –
Research Development
The Supply chain management environment is characterised as complex and in The author is conducting a research to develop knowledge concerned with
constant change. There is also a requirement for the supply chain to satisfy methodology-building for planning and implementing a modern supply chain
demand in a flexible and agile way, creating customer value by means of the strategy based on intensive use of information technology, applying the system
development of its capabilities. Under this set of conditions, IT has been dynamics approach for a resilient and robust supply chain.
considered one of the pillars which support the supply chain. However, With the purpose of conducting experiments and understanding the whole
implementing an IT structure which satisfies the supply chain needs is not system with its response to interventions (feedback processes and other
straightforward. The literature, therefore, indicates this matter needs a tool elements of complexity), a dynamic simulation software will be used .
which supports a study of a holistic problem and the examination of new tools In order to carry out this research the following steps will be addressed using
and methodology to apply IT in the SCM successfully should be thought about simulation software.
carefully. In view of its potential and development, the use of system dynamics  To describe how to develop a methodology to model the employment of
to address this situation should be considered in further research. In this work I IT that brings value and fulfils the supply chain priorities.
fill this gap in the area of study, presenting the potentialities and pitfalls of using Supply chains have competitive priorities such as customer service, time,
system dynamics and simulation as a tool to implement IT in the SCM strategy volume flexibility and launch flexibility that need to be identified and fulfilled Figure 1 - Proposed methodology flow
successfully. when implementing IT for supporting the supply chain. This is particularly
important inasmuch as this brings real value for the chain. Conclusions
SCM and the use of IT  To develop a methodology to model the employment of IT that supports
System Dynamics has the potentiality to address the issues present IT-SCM
successfully a complex supply chain, applying the system dynamics
Due to global competition and increasingly selective customers, manufacturers approach. interaction. However, the simulation software should have the capacity to
are being constrained to offer a greater variety of products and compete in Nowadays, supply chains are characterised by the necessity for more embody uncertainty into the analysis and fulfil the key tenets: to be easy to
niche markets (Anderson, 2004; Fisher et al. 1994). In this new environment, integration and cooperation between their agents. Also, the new environment manipulate, to make possible to add more assumptions to the model, and to
predicting demands, planning production and synchronising orders are major creates a necessity for agile communication in the whole supply chain in order have strong validation features and a high level of mathematical power.
tasks (Fisher et al. 1994). Indeed, time has become a competitive weapon, and to achieve flexibility. In this scenario, IT plays an important role. As a holistic
companies should be able to meet the demands of customers while having a
smooth flow of supply, from innovative suppliers, that meets customers’
issue, a successful IT-SC design is not easily achieved. Using system dynamics Acknowledgments
to model the complex integration of IT into the SC strategies can give some
unstable demands (Christopher, 2000). Information should therefore be used to insights about the proper way to implement IT.
eliminate redundant activities and reduce lead times, substituting physical To develop a methodology to enhance the model to describe a complex, J Verissimo Pereira would like to thanks Chris Holloway for the support and
inventory (Closs et al., 1997). unstable and flexible supply chain which is susceptible to unpredicted insights that he has given me during my doctorate, Anita Mason for her
Indeed, information is even more important in a dynamic environment that interventions, applying the system dynamics approach. revisions and Dr Kevin Neailey for the great support. Also I thank Jove
produces irregularities and disruptions (Bodendorf and Zimmermann, 2005). A Feedbacks and delays create a tendency for a system to oscillate and are Logistics for its financial support in my doctorate.
proactive gathering and communication of information on such events across sources of instability. All the critical sources of instability must be presented in
supply chains is very important. In this new situation, information technology (IT) the model. Also, the supply chain is susceptible to unpredicted interventions.
plays an important role. Consequently, any methodology to implement IT in the SC should take these References
features into consideration.
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isolated parts of it (Senge, 1992). Thus, a better understanding of the complex seriously affected. BODENDORF, F. & ZIMMERMANN, R. (2005) Proactive supply-chain event management with agent technology.
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dynamics involved in supply chains and in the implementation of IT application CHRISTOPHER, M. (2000) The Agile Supply Chain: Competing in Volatile Markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 29,
has become crucial for superior performance of SCM (Akkermans and Dallaert, The Figure 1 depicts the methodology in a process flow. 37-44.
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of more effective strategies (Sterman, 2001). Despite the fact that system GE, Y., YANG, J. B., PROUDLOVE, N. & SPRING, M. (2004) System dynamics modelling for supply-chain management:
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chains should focus on the entire network rather than isolated firms, current STERMAN, J. D. (2001) System dynamics modeling: tools for learning in a complex world. California Management Review,
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