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Combustion 燃烧

Combustion or burning is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical

reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant, usually oxygen that

produces oxidized, often gaseous products, in a mixture termed as smoke.

Combustion 燃烧

Combustion or burning is a …

• high-temperature 高温

• Exothermic 放热

• redox chemical reaction 氧化还原

• between a fuel 燃料 (the reductant 还原剂 ) and an oxidant 氧化

剂 , usually oxygen

• that produces oxidized, often gaseous products, in a mixture

termed as smoke.
Condition of Combustion
• Oxygen – Oxidizer 氧化剂 /Comburant 助燃

• Combustible 可燃物 – Fuel 燃料
• Ignition Temperature 燃点 – Energy
• Fire Triangle
Theory of Extinguishing a Fire 灭火

A fire will continue to burn as long as there is F

UEL, OXYGEN and HEAT available.

Fire extinguishment is achieved by the removal

of either the FUEL, OXYGEN or HEAT or by
the interruption of the chemical chain reaction.
Theory of Extinguishing a Fire
– Removal of the unburnt material, e.g. turning off the gas
– Preventing the oxygen (air) from combining with the fuel, e.g. fire bla
– Reducing the temperature of the burning material to below its ignition
point, e.g. adding water to a Class A (solid combustible) fire
– Some extinguishing mediums (e.g. Dry chemical powder) accomplish
this action and at the same time smother the fire
Combustion Reaction
• Complete combustion 完全燃烧
– Methane + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + h
– CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
• Incomplete combustion 不完全燃烧
– Methane + oxygen  carbon monoxide + water +
– 2CH4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO (g) + 4H2O(l)
Heat and Chemical Energy Change

• Energy is released when fuel is burnt/combusted

– exothermic reactions 放热反应
• Energy level diagram – total energy decreases.
Chemical Bonds in Chemical Reactions
• In any chemical reaction, old chemical bonds 化学
键 in the reactant are broken, and new chemical bo
nds in the product are formed.
Bond Energy
• Energy is absorbed when bonds are broken.
– Endothermic 吸热
• Energy is released when bonds are formed.
– Exothermic 放热
Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

• Chemical heat packs contain iron filings that are oxidize

d in an exothermic reaction. Your hands get warm becau
se the released heat of the reaction is absorbed by your h
• Chemical cold packs contain NH4NO3 that dissolves in
water in an endothermic process. Your hands get cold be
cause they are giving away your heat to the reaction.
Energy Change during Phase Change
Increase Energy Efficiency 效率
Two different paths for the energy change of a system.

Even though q and w (NOT state functions) for the two paths are different,
the change in the total internal energy of the reaction system , DE (state
function), is the same for both.
Steam Engine
Internal Combustion Engine 内燃机
Cells and Batteries 电池
• A chemical cell is one which produces electric
al energy from chemical energy.
Cells and Batteries
• The electrical energy is produced as a result
of the transfer of electrons which takes plac
e during the chemical reaction via a redox
氧化还原 process.
– Zn(s)  Zn2+(aq) + 2e-
– 2H +(aq) + 2e- H2(g)
Fuel Cell 燃料电池
• Similar to 类似 the previous voltaic cell 原电池 .
– Converting 转换 chemical energy to electrical energy.
• Except that reagents are supplied continuously 连
续的 to the electrodes 电极 .
– Usually H2 and O2.
Fuel Cells

O2(g) + 2H2(g)  2H2O(l) + Energy/Electricity

Fuel Cells

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