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24 Sep 18

• Part-6 Understanding People

 Human Behavior (Ch 17)
 The art of Persuasion (Ch 18)
 The Diversity Challenge (Ch 19)
• Learning Outcomes
– The students would be able to understand different human behaviors,
and the need of persuasion and the diversity needed for the
organizational culture and how to maintain and keep it along.

Psychological Forces:
Psychologist Abraham Maslow divides human needs into five categories.

The needs that taken as the basic Psychological needs or the basic body
e.g. Taking a breathe of air
Survival needs are strong and they must be fulfilled to live a life.
Psychologist Viktor Frankl tells of his experience that for a prisoner the survival
needs are food and physical comfort.

Psychological Forces:
2. Security:
After satisfying the survival needs a person move towards it’s security needs.
Security needs include freedom from threat and protection from loss.
Security is needed for all ages and for all type and status of people in the
e.g. security is required to a child who is afraid of darkness and security is also
required to a young individual who is doing job. He required security of his job
An old person also required security like security of his health and living place.
3. Belonging:
These needs come when the other two needs are accomplished. All the people
from any culture like aggressive, peaceful, traditional or modern they require a
belong to some aspired social group.
e.g. When ever you need to express love or you need to be loved or need a
natural need for belonging then this influence the need of belongingness.

Psychological Forces:
4. Respect:
When the need for survival, security, and belonging are fulfilled then comes the
need of respect.
People are motivated by the need or respect, the need to be consider favorable
by others and self.
If this need is not satisfied then the person feel weak, inferior and discouraged.
An American philosopher and founder of psychology named William James
said that it is the need of every person to be noticed and fairly noticed in the
society and if a person is not noticed then he will lose interest in the society and
ultimately the structure of the society will be unbalanced.
5. Fulfillment:
After the fulfillment of the physical and social needs people are motivated by
the need of fulfillment which Maslow referred as “self Actualization”
These people may or may not please others by what they do, and their efforts
may or may not result in the attainment of the intended goals. Regardless of
that if a person do something then this is fulfillment.
Maslow’s Principle:
Maslow describe five principles for developing full potential
1.Experience life fully in the present rather than entangling in the past or
worrying about the future.
2.Make choices in your life that will enhance growth
3.Be honest with yourself and with the people
4.Do your best to achieve the goals with your basic values
5.Commit yourself to concerns and causes outside yourself

Providing the five basic needs to your employees
will be a best gift to them

Level I: Survival Needs
A company can provide the survival needs to her employees in the following
1.Sufficient pay
2.Safe working conditions
3.Safe equipment, tools and materials
4.A supportive physical environment, with good lighting, heating, air
conditioning and rest rooms.
Level II: Security Needs
The security needs of an organization may be met in the following way:
1.Proper tools, equipment, and material to do the job
2.Job aids, such as training manuals and technical assistance.
3.Economic protection through insurance and retirement programs
4.Job security through career counseling and in-service trainings
5.Confidence in management through stable and dependable actions of
Level III: Belonging Needs
A company can provide the belonging needs to her employees in the following
1.Communication sessions between employees and management (these
maybe conducted with the whole staff, if conducted on small scale then they
maybe not that much effective)
2.Celebrations of holidays, birthdays, and special events
3.Expression of consideration, such as notes of appreciation, hospital visits (in
case when any employee is sick) and sympathetic understanding when the
employees have personal problems
4.Job participation vehicles, such as regular staff meetings, annual meetings,
employee task forces, committees and performance improvement teams
5.Most important is an open door policy in which every employee feels free to
share concerns and suggestions with every other employee, regardless of level
of hierarchy

Level IV: Respect Needs
A company can provide the belonging needs to her employees in the following
1.Individual incentives for high performance, such as achievement awards,
worker of the month honors, attendance awards etc
2.Retirement Dinners and annual meetings etc
3.Opportunities to improve job status through training programs, job titles, and
4.Tangible rewards, such as increased pay, bonuses, gifts and other rewards
5.Most important is day to day recognition and praise for a job well done
Level V: Fulfillment Needs
Once people reach a certain level of material comfort and social needs are met,
they move towards fulfillment. In simple words they are more interested in their
over all works.
A company can proved this need to her employees by:
1.Discussing organization values and goals in light of individual values and
goals, and tailoring job duties to accomplish both
Level V: Fulfillment Needs
2. Providing the opportunity for employee’s growth, through on the job
assignments and outside activities. For example, an organization may support
an employee’s involvement in community service activities or may support his
or her continuing education


Why People Do What They Do

There are 9 main points to remember

1.A satisfied need is not a motivator:

It is not what people have that motivates behavior, it is what they do not have
e.g. A person may be motivated by a need to never be hungry again another by
a need to love etc.
2. Employee motivation and company success are related:
The profit of the company is directly related to a company’s effectiveness in
motivating it’s workforce. There are 7 practices that successful companies
1.Employment Security
2.Selective and merit based hiring
3.Empowered teams and decentralization of decision making as the basic
principles of the organizational design

Why People Do What They Do

4. Comparatively high compensation depending upon the performance of the
5. Extensive Trainings.
6. Less barriers including dress, language, office arrangement etc.
7. Extensive sharing of the financial and performance information throughout
the organization
3. Psychological needs and social values are not the same:
Every person in the society needs respect but their actions to get this respect
maybe of different kinds.
The actions of some people may help others or the actions of some people may
harm other ( for seeking their respect from the society)
Therefore, the psychological needs explain human motivation (seeking respect)
And the social values are the concern of ethic (how the person seeks respect,
by harming other or by helping others)

Why People Do What They Do

4. The Same Act can satisfy any of the five motivation levels:
A person may work for any of the following reasons:
1.There is no food to eat, thus meeting survival needs
2.Job stability is in danger, thus meeting security needs
3.Accepted member of a work group to meet belonging needs
4.To be recognized as skillful and talented worthy of admiration thus meeting
respect needs
5.For personal satisfaction doing job, thereby meeting fulfillment needs.
5. All people have same needs, but to different degree and accompanied
by different wants:
To satisfy person’s motivational needs there is a unique level because ever
person has different need and different satisfaction level.


Why People Do What They Do

6. A person can be deficiency-motivated, bringing harm to self or other:
It is possible to have an extreme behavior on some needs that the behavior
becomes toxic or harmful for self and for other people also
e.g. A person becomes so hungry for love then this need may become
A girl loves chocolates but fell ill and said to avoid sweets now if she still takes
then it will become destructive for her.
7. Unsatisfied needs can harm your health:
If you feel the need of respect and no body respect you and if you feel for being
loved but no one loves you then you develop a negative sense that may harm
you physically and mentally as well.
e.g. Jim loves to paint. He start painting for the first two years he wasn’t able to
sell even a single painting. Meanwhile he met sarah and they got married. Now
they gave birth to twins. The needs now changed. Jim left painting and start
working to meet the needs of the family.

Why People Do What They Do

Meanwhile he fell sick and left the job now his desire for paint and painting
become more intense and along with his physical health effect his mental
health also. His recovery from the disease will become hard.
8. Leadership is important in meeting employee needs and preventing
motivation problems:
The actions of the leader changes with the circumstances
e.g. improving job safety, encouraging the employees, providing the praise job
well done. By such motivations the employees work hard and bring out the best
by performing and working hard.
9. The ideal is to integrate the need of the individual with the goal of the
If the needs of the individual are satisfied while advancing the goals of the
organization, the ultimate employee morale and organization effectiveness will
be achieved. Thus, by fulfilling the needs of the staff the organizational goals
will be achieved if the staff is fully motivated.


An Understanding of People

The successful leader must master the art of persuasion including:

1.An understanding of the people.
2.The effective use of the words.
3.The ability to mange a conflict
Napolean was a master of persuasion because he understands the people. The
secret of his leadership was simple
1.He first determine the needs of the people, what they wanted the most
e.g. When his army was half starved, then he promised food in exchange of

The Effective Use of Words

Vocabulary, clarity and persuasive wording can be used to persuade others to

take action.

“Ask not what your country can do for you----------Ask what you can do for your

(John F. Kennedy)
The Ability to Manage Conflict
Every society/organization have conflicting people or personalities therefore, a
leader can only achieve the goals if he has the command the manage the
conflict to achieve his/her goals. Following are some of the points to remember:
1.Recognize that conflict is natural: nature uses conflict as an agent of change
and for creating beautiful beaches
2.We can view conflict as a problem or as an opportunity. Our approach must
be positive and must seek an opportunity from the conflict. 18
The Ability to Manage Conflict
3. Conflicts are rarely about who is right and who is wrong: it is more about
what different people are in need of. If everyone’s needs are satisfied then
there will be no conflict.

4. One of the important point is do both parties want to settle the issue/conflict I
the answer is no then must call a third party and resolve the issue. War is not
the solution of any conflict.

5. Let the both parties understand the issue of each other. Every person should
see and analysis the issue from the eyes of the other conflicting party. Only
doing this they will become aware of the view point of the other party and the
needs of each other.

The leader must know the every person has not a same point of view therefore,
it is necessary the conflict may be constructive not destructive.

Different Types of Conflicts
1. Avoidance Conflicts: are uncooperative. Parties stay neutral at all cost. This
shows that there is no conflict at all. In this conflict the lose-lose situation is
created. No one gets his desires.

2. Accommodation Conflicts: the parties let the wishes of the other rule: to
maintain the harmony. These type of the conflicts create lose-lose situation for
both because the under laying reason of the conflict remains the same.

3. Domination Conflicts: Such conflicts creates win-lose situation. The

dominate party achieve it’s wishes and excluding the other party.

4. Collaboration Conflicts: Such conflicts create a win-win situation for both of

the parties. Such issues are resolved in the mutual benefits of the both parties.

5. Compromise Conflicts: In such type of conflicts win-lose situation is created.

Every party has to compromise something for the other to settle the conflict.

1. Managing Diversity
Dealing with diversity means that behaving in a way that creates trust, and
respect among the people and help to gain the benefits from their difference.
e.g. If you are planting a garden and want different kinds of flowers then you
must keep in mind that every plan need different amount of water, sunlight,
fertilizer and soil to grow.
Roses and lilies do not want a similar type of environment at all.
2. Diversity Perception:
It means that we have to eliminate sexism, ageism, and other differences. All
people have reason to believe that they are accepted and respected and that
their voices will be heard. The perception is to turn the walls in our hearts and
minds into bridges.
3. Benefits of Diversity:
•Increase in work-force creativity
•Broader range of knowledge and skills
•Better decisions on the base of different perspectives
•Ability to recruit excellent talent from the entire labor pool
Why Tolerance is Important
Tolerance is important because intolerance can lead to discrimination and
discrimination can have harmful effects.
Gender Diversity in the Workplace:
Diversity takes many forms, and one of the most obvious is gander. The
participation of women in the workplace continues to increase. Today’s leaders
must address the changing composition of the workforce as the special need of
women. Communication plays an important role in managing the gender diversity
in the workplace.
Women in Leadership positions:
Historically, women in leadership come from non-profit organizations,
educational institutions, and Public offices but now they own their business. More
then 44% of small business in USA are owned by women.
Studies show that women leader are more participative as compare to men
leaders and their leadership style is not autocratic.
A comparison study shows essential similarity between men and women
leadership styles.
Leadership, Diversity and personal Example:
Leadership a vital role in dealing with diversity. To be most effective the leaders
•Empower others: Share power and information and reward people on the basis
of their performance, without regard to race, gender, age, job class, personality
and so on.
•Develop People: Provide opportunities for growth and then provide coaching to
develop. Delegate responsibility to those who can perform it well
•Value Diversity: View diversity as an asset, understand diverse culture, help
others to contribute productively.
•Communicate: Clearly communicate the expectations, ask questions to
increase understanding, and show respect through listening, develop
communication across cultural and language difference.

An effective leader brings together different culture, races, ganders, and

personalities whereas, an effective team does not eliminate the diversity and
welcome other points of views and welcome opposites and seeks to understand
all sides of every issue. 24
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