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Bio's Course Work

Name:Aidil Danish Bin Mohamad Khairi

Class:4 Brilliant
Topic :Pickling
To observe what the effect of the movement of substances and
the osmosis
A cucumber,spoonful of salt,vinegar,sugar,knife,cutting board and
a glass jar.
i)Slice the cucumber horizontally
ii)Put the cucumber pieces into the glass jar.
iii)Put three of teaspoon sugar in the glass jar.
iv)Take a spoonful of salt and put it in.
v)Pour the vinegar equal to the level of the cucumber in the jar.
vi)Shake the jar.
vii)Let it for a night
I)the cucumber
shrink in size
ii)Sweet and sour
can be taste from
th pickle cucumber
5.Result Analysis
The substances like salt and flavors in the marinade has move in
cucumber by diffusion and also water has extracted from the
cucumber by osmosis,resulting in a concetration of solute in the
The movement of substances and osmosis affect the concetration
of a subtances.

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