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Peepal : Natural

The peepal has the distinction of being the
earliest tree depicted in art in the
subcontinent, and it was always used
extensively in medicine for healing. Its bark
also produces tannin that is used for treating
hides. The heart-shaped leaves of the peepal
were used to heal wounds. The tree has a
fruit, purple when ripe.
The peepal tree, Ficus religiosa, also
known as the "bodhi" tree, is a
deciduous tree that is native to India.
This tree is sacred to those of the
Buddhist faith, as it is believed to be the
personification of Buddha. Cuttings
from this tree exist in Sri Lanka that
date back to 288 B.C.
Peepal trees are native to India and
thrive in hot, humid weather. They
prefer full sunlight and can grow in
most soil types, though loam is the best.
When planting, use soil with a pH of 7
or below. While it is possible for the
plant to grow indoors in a pot, it grows
best outside.
Peepal trees have many medicinal uses.
Juice extracted from the leaves is used for
eardrops. The bark is used to heal
inflammations of the neck and glandular
swellings. Chewing the roots of a peepal
tree is said to help prevent gum disease.

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