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ROOM 101
CLASS Procedures
World’s Best Teacher
Do not say the b-word

Sign out (3 sign outs per marking period)

Use the pass

Bring it backWorking From Home Motiviation Tips

1. Wake Up Early

2 2. Define Your Workspace

3. Dress Up For Work

4. Make A Schedule & Follow It

5. Reward Yourself
6. Socialize With Others

7. Stress Management
8. Upskill Yourself

9. Block Distracting Websites

10. Fixed Finishing Time Each Day

Push chairs in
Lights out

Single file, silent line

Proceed toward the woods

Pass the playground on the right

Count off
• 1. Start small
• Whenever I feel unmotivated to tackle any work, I start small. I read and
answer emails or I browse through work-related news.
4 •

2. Find your sweet spot
One thing I love about remote work is that it allows me to work whenever it works best for me. Personally, I am a morning person. If I find that I’m running
behind or I’ve been on a work funk for a couple of days, I wake up extra early one day to tackle whatever it is I need to get done. 
• After 4+ years of working remotely, I know that my best working hours are between 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. I know that after lunch I am as productive as a
bear hibernating. I’m also pretty productive after 5:00 p.m.
• Knowing when you work best can go a long way in motivating you and helping you focus long enough to get through tasks. If you have kids, you might find it easier to focus and work while they’re still sleeping in the morning or once
they’ve gone to bed at night. 

5 •

There is no right or wrong answer here, it’s about finding that magical time that works for you. 
3. Take a break

If you’ve been staring at your laptop or desktop computer for a long time without getting anything done, then take a break. The same applies when you’ve been working for over 90 minutes non-stop. 

• This break could be stopping to make a snack, going for a walk, reading, or doing that puzzle that’s been sitting on your dining room table for over a week.  

• Giving your brain some time to relax and regroup can help you better focus and concentrate afterwards. Plus, there are studies that have shown that taking regular breaks improves productivity, reduces stress, prevents burnout, and boosts energy levels. 

• 4. Switch it up

• Sometimes you can’t get any work done because you’re simply not in the right setting. What might’ve worked for you yesterday may not work today, so don’t be afraid to switch up your home working environment. 

• Though you may have set up your home office near that huge window to get enough natural light, you may find that one day your neighbors are being too noisy or their dog is barking non-stop, which doesn’t allow you to focus. 

• In such days, the living room or dining room table may prove to be more effective. At the end of the day, it comes down to figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t. 

• 5. Tune in to tune out

• Sometimes, all you need is the right tunes to get you pumped and going. This is true for working out and it is also true for working. 

• Pro tips: use headphones, as sometimes the speakers just don’t do the trick. Also, consider listening to music that has no lyrics, as lyrics can be distracting. 

• So, open your favorite music streaming service and hit play. Most streaming services offer curated playlists on focus music. 

• My personal favorite and go-to solution: piano music. 

Push chairs in

N 2 Lights out

3 Single file, silent line

4 Walk toward the high school

5 Pass the playground on the left

6 Proceed to new gym

7 Count off

1 2 3

Door closed Windows covered, Students may only move

and locked closed, and locked around the building
escorted by an adult

1 Lights out
2 Door locked
3 Hide under the tables
4 Chair pulled toward you
5 No talking

1 2

Know the safety Move quickly and

zone quietly to the
safety zone
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