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Clean the world

Jaxson Hannie
How it works
•Our company will travel to 3rd polluted 3rd
world countries and help clean their
country and their economy.
•We will travel to the country and
insentivize them to clean their country by
paying them to come help with the clean up
•We will pay for this by inviting tourists to
also come help with the process and use
their money to fuel the company
•You should invest in this idea because it does
so much good for the world and will be very
•You are not only cleaning the environment in
these countries you are also improving the
economy with the money you are giving
them and also creating a sense of community
for these people.
The effects
•By inviting people from other countries with
more money to come help you are also raising
awareness for this country and their situation
which will draw in more business and help more
•By strengthening the community and the
economy in these countries you will create the
possibility for new schools and hospitals and
•The quality of life for everyone in the area and
the country will skyrocket.

•If this idea is properly executed and financed with the

help of you guys we could cause so much good in the
•By helping their economy and raising awareness these
countries could solve so many other problems
•We could start a chain reaction of good in each of
these countries
•If our company gets big enough many celebrities will
also come to help out and could potentially donate
additional money and bring us attention and more
customers so we can save the people in these coutries

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