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(Seed plants)

Smith et al., 2006
Psilotopsida Equisetopsida Marattiopsida Polypodiopsida
Habit-habitat Mostly Terrestrial Terrestrial Terrestrial, Mostly terrestrial, aquatic
Few-epiphytic Tropical-temperate Pantropical Tropical-temperate
Tropical-temperate One order tree
Leaf Nodding vernation, Scale like Microphyllus leaf, Circinate vernation, leaves Circinate vernation,
Scale like whorl leaf arrangement at large, fleshy, large frond megaphyllous, pinnately
Vascular tissue absent, node, nodal sheath formation, present, pinnately compound, compound, dimorphic-sterile,
stomata absent, chlorophyll closely applied to internodes, vascular bundle present, open fertile, stomata present
absent (Psilotum) non photosynthetic, dichotomous venation, leaves (absent in Hymenophyllales,
protective in function, have swollen and stipulate vascular bundle present,
leaf base mostly ex-stipulate (genus-
stipulate in Osmunda)
Rhizome/Stem Fleshy errect rhizome-bearing Rhizome branched, node, Rhizome-Massive tuberous, Rhizome-long/short, slender,
roots (ophioglossum), internodes, bearing scale and upright, subterrian, creeping, ascending, wiry,
dichotomously branched areal branches, ectophilic sub-erect, erect, stout,
bearing scales (Psilotum), siphonostele, Stele-polycyclic dictyostele, protostele-polycyclic dictyo-
mycorrhizal association Stem-jointed, whorled, solid Stem-scaly, mucilage canal stele
(psilotum), proto stele, in or medulated, silicified, sterile tannin filled cells present, Stem, long, slender, creeping,
young basal part, stem-photosynthetic, wiry, climbing, erect, smooth,
siphonostele in mature part branched, lacunate, eustele- covered with scale at apex,
Stem internode, siphonostele-node, fleshy
No stem (Ophioglossum), no leaf gaps. Fertile stem
Stem erect (Psilotum), colorless, unbranched,
photosynthetic, actinostele bearing cone
(younger part), siphonostele
(basal part)
Root Absent, rhizoids present Present, root cap present, Present, root cap absent, Present, branched, root cap
(Psilotales), Root present in branched, air space in cortex, adventitious, mycorhiza present, primary root is
Ophioglossales but, root hair stele proto-stele, present, absent in mature replaced with adventitious
absent. Mycorhizal association root. Mucilage canal in cortex, roots. Inner Cortex
in root. tannin cells present, actino sclerenchymatous, lignified,
stele proto stele
Reproduction Vegetative Vegetative by tuber Vegetative by apical bud Vegetative from rhizome,
Gemma on tips o f rhizoids formation, or/and stipule cutting Asexual by spores,
(Psilotum), Adventitious buds Asexual by ***, spores Asexual by spores, Sexual monoecious /or
(Ophioglossum) formation, Sexual monoecious type. dioecious
Asexual by-****, spore Monoecious or dioecious,
Sporangia Eusporangiate Eusporangiate Eusporangiate Leptosporangiate
Solitory or in group Peltate sporangiophore and on the abaxial side of leaf. Borne singly on the adaxial
Born on fertile spike. form compact strobillus. surface or in axil.
Cauline and terminal Cauline Foliar Foliar
Psilotopsida Equisetopsida Marattiopsida Polypodiopsida

Botrychium lunaria Equisetum telmateia Angiopteris evecta Osmunda regalis

Psilotum nudum
I. Class Psilotopsida
A. Order: Ophioglossales
1. Family: Ophioglossaceae

Type species. Ophioglossum

Terrestrial (a few epiphytic)

Temperate and boreal but few pantropical.
Vernation nodding (not circinate)
Rhizomes and petioles fleshy
Root haris lacking
Aerophores absent
Fertile leaves each with a single sporophore
Sporangia large 2 cells thick wall
Lacking an annulus
Spores globose-tetrahedral, trilete, many (>1000) per sporangium
Gametophyte-subterranean, non-photosynthetic, mychorrhizal, x=52.
Plant Description

Adders-tongues are so-called because the spore-bearing stalk is thought to

resemble a snake's tongue. Each plant typically sends up a small,
undivided leaf blade with netted venation, and the spore stalk forks from
the leaf stalk, terminating in sporangia which are partially concealed
within a structure with slitted sides.When the leaf blade is present, there is
not always a spore stalk present, and the plants do not always send up a
leaf, sometimes going for a year to a period of years living only under the
soil, nourished by association with soil fungi.
The plant grows from a central, budding, fleshy structure with fleshy,
radiating roots.
Life Cycle of Ophioglossum
2 Psilotales

Salient Features of Psilotum:

1. Commonly known as whisk ferns
2. The sporophytes are dichotomously bran­ched with an underground rhizome and
upright branches.
3. The upright branches are leafless.
4. Rhizoids present instead of roots.
5. Stem has a relatively simple vascular cylin­der.
6. The sporangia are borne in groups (trilo­cular) and form synangia.
7. Spores produced are all alike (homosporous).
8. The development of gametophyte is exosporic and form monoecious subterranian
9. The development of embryo is exoscopic.
Life Cycle of Psilotum

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