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Welcome, Students!

Mr. Johnson
English I
Welcome to High School!
• I will introduce you to English I and our classroom.
• If you have any questions during my presentation,
please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
All About Me
• My background
– I grew up in Brooklyn, New York
– I attended Troy University, UMUC
• My experience
– Retired military
– Basketball/Football/Wrestling Coach
My Family
My Goals
• To give you the academic and social skills you need
to progress to 10th grade by developing critical
thinking/problem solving .
• To provide a supportive and fun classroom
• To help you make new friends and discover new
• Reading Strategies (Inferencing, summarizing,
Context clues, vocabulary)
• 1st Nine Week’s: Literary Non-Fiction, Fiction
• 2nd Nine Week’s: Poetry, Informational Text
• 3rd Nine Week’s: Drama, Connections
• 4th Nine Week’s: Research, EOC/STAAR Review,
College and Career
Our Classroom Community
Class Rules

1. There will be no talking when the teacher is talking.

- Talking while the teacher is talking makes it difficult for you or your classmates to hear what
is being taught.
2. When you have a question or something to say, raise your hand and wait to be called on.
- If everyone asks a question or gives an answer at the same time, then no one is heard. Don’t
interrupt other students learning.
3. Keep your hands to yourself and your feet on the ground.
- Hitting or kicking another person is not allowed under any circumstances. The classroom is
a safe place meant for learning.
4. Come to class prepared.
- Always have everything you need to work and learn. Not having your supplies can slow
down learning. This includes your brain!
5. Always try your best, no matter what!
- The best way to achieve is to always try your best.
Class Rules (cont.)
1. Speaking in class
2. Entering classroom and beginning work (Warm-Up)
3. Test taking
4. Homework Turn-In
5. Class dismissal
1. Extra Credit opportunities
2. Extended Computer time
3. End of Nine Week Pizza Party
4. Positive phone calls to parents

1. Verbal Warning (just one)
2. Negative phone call to parents
3. Conference with parents
4. Referral to AP
• I will not assign homework every night.
• 1-2 times a week, lesson dependent.
• When I assign it, do it!
• School starts at 8:45 a.m.
• If you aren’t in the classroom by the time the bell
rings, please check in at the school office before
coming to class.
• If you are tardy two times, I will contact your parents.
Let’s Have a Great Year!
(now, it’s YOUR turn!)

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