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I am a businessman.
You may have been asking…


The job duties of a
businessman vary dramatically
by the industry and the scale
of the enterprise.
You can be certain, however, that the
owner of a small or medium-sized
business will have his or her thumb on the
pulse of the finances of the company, and
play a part in managing personnel as well.
Businessmen like me are also typically
involved in business strategy, especially
the marketing and pricing of the products
we offer.
What really is my
01 Training

02 Operational Duties

03 Personnel Duties

04 Strategic Duties
My first job: Training
Some businessmen have been to college, and some even
have business or business administration degrees, but most
small businessmen have relatively little formal business
education. Many successful businessmen are largely self-
taught, having learned from experience in running a business;
others went to night school or took online classes to learn
more about managing a business.

That is one of the first things I have to keep in mind as a

businessman. Sure, I have my degree in business
administration, but I never stop there. Keeping my business
alive is a lifelong training process. I make sure I keep up with
the business trends of the times.
My Second Job:
Operational Duties
In my business, I’d like to be hands-on.

The primary job of a businessman is to ensure the

smooth operation of his business. If it is a
production facility, the main duties typically
revolve around maintaining the production
schedule. This includes responsibilities relating to
assuring a sufficient supply of raw materials, as
well as enough manpower and working production
equipment. A retail businessman, like me, is more
focused on traffic into his store or total sales, and
will likely be closely involved in production
selection and developing sales and marketing
Third job: Personnel Duties
Businessmen at nearly all
enterprises have at least some
responsibilities involving
Often, these responsibilities involve
hiring and training of employees, as
well as employee evaluations and
terminations. Small businessmen
often take on nearly all of the human
resources responsibilities themselves,
whereas medium businesses, like
mine, and large enterprises typically
have a human resources department
to handle most employee-related
My most vital job: Strategic Duties
For a businessman like me, without solid prep and a
plan in place, the following day would be a complete SUCCESS
A businessman has to plan ahead for the success of his in
business. This means both short-term and long-term
strategic planning. Short-term planning might include
whether to hold a sale over a holiday weekend and how
many staff to schedule, while long-term strategic planning
might include diversification of products and considering
the outsourcing of accounting or HR functions.
In all, I did not
feel like I work
harder than I did
when I was an
I get to choose my
challenges, and my co-
workers, and have
constant opportunities to
develop personal
discipline -- something I
was sorely lacking in
before starting my
You may now ask…


I admit, there
really are
It is a fair
advantages and
question to
ask, and I also
asked the in being a
same when I businessman.
first started my But I assure you, there are more
advantages than there are
business. disadvantages.
To be or not to be a business owner?
As the little boy said when he got off his first roller-coaster ride, “I like the ups but not the
downs!” Here are some of the risks you run if you want to start a small business:

• Financial risk. The financial resources needed to start and grow a

business can be extensive, and if things don’t go well, you may face
substantial financial loss. In addition, you’ll have no guaranteed
• Stress. As a businessman, I have a bewildering array of things to
worry about—competition, employees, bills, equipment breakdowns,
customer problems.
• Time commitment. Running a business is extremely time-
consuming. In fact, I probably have less free time than I had working
for someone else.
• Undesirable duties. You’ll be responsible for either doing or
overseeing just about everything that needs to be done, and you’ll
probably have to perform some unpleasant tasks, like firing people.
To be or not to be a business owner?
On the other hand, being a business owner can be extremely rewarding. Having the courage to
take a risk and start a venture is part of my dream. Success brings with it many advantages:

• Independence. As a business owner, I am my own boss. I can’t

get fired. More importantly, I have the freedom to make the
decisions that are crucial to my own business success.
• Lifestyle. Because I am in charge, I decide when and where I
want to work. I don’t have to ask for the time off.
• Financial rewards. In spite of high financial risk, running your
own business gives you a chance to make more money than if
you were employed by someone else.
• Learning opportunities. As a business owner, I am involved in
all aspects of my business. This situation creates numerous
opportunities to gain a thorough understanding of the various
business functions.
• Creative freedom and personal satisfaction. As a business
owner, I am able to work in a field that I really enjoy, and I gain
personal satisfaction from watching my business succeed.
Steve Jobs once said,

If you really look

closely, most
overnight successes
took a long time.


So once I saw that the
advantages outweigh the
disadvantages of having a
business, I went ahead
and became my own

And I must say, I

am extremely
pleased that I
have decided to
become a
It may have
taken quite a
time for my
business to
grow, but it was
all worth it.
My days may be full, but
I'm constantly aiming to
create efficiencies and
solid foundational systems
that allow me the freedom
lean in to the creative
aspects of my work, and
then laze about with my
family to our hearts'
I am Jagpreet Sandhu, I am
hoping that you, too, would be
brave enough to start your own

Thank You!

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