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Semantic structure of phraseological units.
The semantic structure of phrases is formed by
semantic ultimate constituents called

1. Denotational (descriptive) macrocomponent

that contains the information about the objective
reality i.e. the classification of phenomena of the
reality, based on the typical idea about what is
denoted by a phraseological unit, i.e. about the
2. Grammatical macrocomponent that contains
the information about all possible morphological
and syntactic changes of a phraseological unit (to
be in deep water = to be in deep waters).
3. Evaluational macrocomponent that contains
information about the value of what is denoted by a
phraseological unit, the lion's den (negative),
4. Motivational macrocomponent that correlates
with the notion of the inner form of a phraseological unit,
which may be viewed as the motif of transference
5. Emotive macrocomponent that is the contents of
subjective modality expressing feeling-relation to what is
denoted by a phraseological unit within the range of
approval/disapproval, to lead a cat and dog life
6. Stylistic macrocomponent that points to the
communicative register in which a phraseological unit is
used and to the social –role relationships between the
participants of communi cation (sick at heart – ‘very sad’
(formal), be sick to death – ‘to be angry because smth is
happening too long’).
Two ways of forming phraseological
Primary ways of forming phraseological Secondary ways of forming
units are those when a unit is formed on phraseological units are those when a
the basis of a free word-group phraseological unit is formed on the basis
of another phraseological unit.

phraseological units can be formed by means conversion: to vote with one’s feet → vote
of alliteration (a sad sack, culture vulture, with one’s feet
fudge and nudge);
they can be formed by means of changing the grammar form: make hay while
expressiveness, especially it is characteristic the sun shines → to make hay while the sun
for forming interjections (My aunt! Hear, shines

by means of distorting a word group (odds analogy: curiosity killed the cat → care killed
and ends); the cat;

by using archaisms (in brown study); contrast: acute surgery → cold surgery

by using a sentence in a different sphere of shortening of proverbs and sayings: you can’t
life (that cock won’t fight) make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear → a
sow’s ear;
Self-check questions
1. Can you provide the definition of the
2. Name types of idioms
3. Provide examples of phraseological units
4. On what is the structural principle of
classifying phraseological units based?
5. What is the semantic structure of
phraseological units?
Self-check questions
7. Stylistic macrocomponent, example
8. Verbal phraseological units, example
9. Why is it difficult to translate idioms?
10. Why are idioms important?
Self-check tasks

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