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Animals feed on ________ or other animals but most plants make their
own food by using _______ energy and simple chemicals. This process is
called ____________. Water and ________ molecules are joined together
to make ___________ and waste _______ gas. This happens in the leaf
cells inside tiny discs called ____________. The chloroplasts contain a
green chemical called ___________ which absorbs light energy.

The ____________ that is made may be changed into other useful

chemicals for growth or storage. The plant also uses glucose as a fuel in
_____________ to release energy when it is needed in the cells.
Respiration is the opposite process of________________:
_______ + ______ __________ + ____________+ _______
What do plants need for photosynthesis?
Amal puts some aquatic plants (water plants) into Questions:
different liquids. 1. In which test tubes do the plants have
One of the liquids is sodium hydrogencarbonate
solution. This provides carbon dioxide. 2. In which test tubes do the plants have
extra carbon dioxide?
Amal looks to see which plants give off bubbles.
3. In which test tubes do the plants have

Amal makes a conclusion from his

‘Plants need light, carbon dioxide and water
for photosynthesis.’
Amal’s teacher says: ‘You are correct that
plants need those three things for
photosynthesis. But your experiment only
gives you information about two of them.’
4. Explain how Amal’s results show that light
is needed for photosynthesis.
5. Explain how Amal’s results show that
carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis.
6. Explain why Amal’s results do not show
whether plants need water for
7. Suggest what Amal could do to test
whether water is needed for photosynthesis.
Testing a leaf for starch

Watch a video
Testing a leaf for starch

1. Explain why the leaf needed to be boiled before testing
with iodine solution.
2. Suggest why it was useful to remove the green colour
from the leaf, before testing it with iodine solution.
3. Describe two things that you did in step 2 (Turn off your
Bunsen burner or spirit burner. This is important because
you are going to use ethanol in the next step. Using
forceps (tweezers), remove the leaf from the water. Be
gentle – it will be very soft and easily torn.) to reduce the
risk of anyone being hurt.
4. Explain why leaves often contain starch.

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