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•What are date rape drugs?
• You may have been warned that sometimes people secretly slip
drugs into other people’s drinks to take advantage of them
sexually. These drugs are called “date rape drugs.”
• Date rape, also known as “drug-facilitated sexual assault,” is any
type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to. It may
come from someone you know, someone may have just met,
and/or someone thought you could trust.
•Date rape drugs can make people become physically
weak or pass out. This is why people who want to rape
someone use them—because they leave individuals
unable to protect themselves.
•Many of these drugs have no color, smell, or taste, and
people often do not know that they’ve taken anything.
Many times people who have been drugged (usually girls
or women, but not always) are unable to remember what
happened to them.
• The dangerous three

The three most common date rape

drugs are Rohypnol®
(flunitrazepam), GHB (gamma
hydroxybutryic acid), and
Rohypnol (also known as roofies, forget-me-pill, and R-2) is a type of
prescription pill known as a benzodiazepine—it’s chemically similar to
drugs such as Valium or Xanax, but unlike these drugs, it is not approved
for medical use in this country.
• It has no taste or smell and is sometimes colorless when dissolved in
a drink.
• People who take it can feel very sleepy and confused and forget what
happens after its effects kick in.
• It can also cause weakness and trouble breathing, and can make it
difficult for those who have taken it to move their body.
• The effects of Rohypnol can be felt within 30 minutes of being
drugged and can last for several hours.
• To prevent misuse of Rohypnol, the manufacturer recently
changed the pill to look like an oblong olive green tablet with a
speckled blue core. When dissolved in light-colored drinks, the
new pills dye the liquid blue and alert people that their drink has
been tampered with. Unfortunately, generic versions of
Rohypnol may not contain the blue dye.
• GHB (also known as cherry meth, scoop, and goop) is a type of drug
that acts as a central nervous system depressant and is prescribed for
the treatment of narcolepsy (a sleep disorder).
• It can cause a person to throw up; it can also slow their heart rate and make it
hard to breathe.
• At high doses, it can result in a coma or death.  
• It's a tasteless, odorless drug that can be a powder or liquid. It’s colorless when
dissolved in a drink.
• Mixing it with alcohol makes these effects worse.
• GHB can take effect in 15 to 30 minutes, and the effects may last for 3 to 6
•Ketamine (also known as cat valium, k-hole, and
purple) is a dissociative anesthetic. That means it
distorts perceptions of sight and sound, and
makes a person feel detached from their
environment and themselves. It also reduces pain
and overall feeling. Like other anesthetic drugs,
it's used during surgical procedures in both
humans and animals.
•It's a tasteless, odorless drug that can be a powder or
•It can cause hallucinations and make people feel totally
out of it.
•It can also increase heartbeat, raise blood pressure, and
cause nausea.
•The effects of ketamine may last for 30 to 60 minutes.
Rohypnol is also GHB is also known Ketamine (KEET-uh-
as: meen), also known as:
known as:
Forget Pill
Bedtime Scoop
Cherry Meth
Black Hole
LA Rochas Easy Lay Bump
Lunch Money Energy Drink
Mexican Valium G Cat Valium
Mind Erasers Gamma 10 Green
Poor Man's Quaalude Georgia Home Boy
R-2 G-Juice Jet
Rib Gook K
Roach Goop
Roach-2 Great Hormones K-Hole
Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH)
Liquid E
Kit Kat
Roopies Liquid Ecstasy Psychedelic Heroin
Liquid X
Ruffies Salt Water Special K
Trip-and-Fall Soap
Whiteys Somatomax
Super Acid
Protecting yourself doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the party, you just have
to exercise a few precautions when it comes to what you drink:
• don’t take drinks from other people
• open containers yourself
• watch your drink being poured or mixed at a bar and carry it yourself
•if you need to go to the bathroom, take your drink
with you; if you can’t, leave it with a trusted friend
•don’t drink anything that tastes or smells odd
•if you’ve left your drink unattended, pour it out
•if you feel very drunk after you only had a small
amount of alcohol, or none at all, seek help right
•Keep in mind that alcohol in large doses
can also make someone unconscious and
unable to defend themselves. Recognizing
the symptoms of date rape drugs and
keeping an eye out for intoxicated friends
can go a long way.
•Date rape can happen to anyone, so understanding the
signs and symptoms of drugs used to assist with date
rape and ways to protect yourself is essential.
•If you think you have been a victim of date rape or
sexual assault, get medical attention right away. Don’t
bathe or change your clothing before you go, so the
hospital can collect evidence. Tell the police everything
you can remember.
•It is possible to lose consciousness quickly, so a person
should not waste time trying to find the perpetrator or
researching whether their symptoms match those of a
date rape drug.
•Instead, they should immediately tell a trusted friend that
they suspect they may have been drugged. They or a
friend should call for emergency help by dialing 911
then get themselves to a safe place.
•They may want to ask a friend for a ride home or go to a
public location and tell someone about the drugging.
•Next, they should seek emergency medical care. 
Date rape drugs leave the body within a few hours,
leaving no trace. After going to the emergency room or
calling 911, a person should tell the doctor, nurse, or
dispatcher that they may have been drugged and request
immediate testing.
•A person who wakes up to signs they may have
been drugged must also seek emergency medical
care. A hospital can use a rape kit to test for signs
of sexual assault. If the police catch a perpetrator,
this kit can be used to prove their guilt.
•To preserve evidence, a potential victim should
avoid showering or bathing until after the exam is
•A person who thinks they may have been
a victim of a sexual assault may want to
consider contacting their local rape crisis
center. The center may be able to send a
victim advocate to the hospital or offer
phone counseling.
• Date rape is never the victim's fault, yet many victims feel
guilty or ashamed. That guilt can prevent them from seeking
medical care or reaching out for support to help them recover.
• Rapists are the only people responsible for rape.
• By acting quickly when a person thinks they might have been
drugged or raped, they can protect themselves, help to catch the
perpetrator, and potentially mitigate the dangerous effects of
date rape drugs.
Analyze the following as to true or false statement.
1. Any drug that alters a person's consciousness in a way that makes self-
defense or sound decision-making difficult can be a date rape drug.
2. Alcohol is the most popular and most readily available date rape drug.
3. All drugs lower your defenses.
4. There are only two most common date rape drugs.
5. Ketamine distorts perceptions of sight and sound, and makes a person
feel detached from their environment and themselves. It also reduces
pain and overall feeling. Like other anesthetic drugs, it's used during
surgical procedures in both humans and animals.

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