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Weekly Magazine

October 30TH , 2020


We inform you about the
municipal reality
 Directed By:
Cristian Villa
 Edited By: Ana
Maria Mira

Editorial: Interview With Ivan Duque

Coronavirus status in Had you prepared yourself for
Gomez Plata such a situation?

Zodiac Sings:
Distance study: A way to understand what
Distance education or happens according to the
your health? stars

Passive voice
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
scheme to never forget it.

El ahogado más hermoso Entertainment:
del mundo Clear your mind
and learn

Coronavirus status in Gomez Plata

virus status in Gomez Plata

We are inhabitants of the municipality of By. Ana María

Gomez Plata, in previous months when Jaramillo
the pandemic arrived in the country, a
strict work was begun in the municipality
with respect to the prevention of covic 19,
including total quarantine, as the
community understood this entire
process , then the peak and ID were
implemented with all the biosafety
protocols, which was successful until
June when they announced a positive case
for the municipality of Gomez Plata, this
coastal fact to the entire population and
the partial closure of the trade was
mandatory and other economic activities
of the municipality to prevent the spread
of the virus and while the results of the
epidemiological siege carried out by the
health entities were known.
All this process was carried out
successfully and the people who were
carriers of the virus were quickly healed
and everything returned to normal in the
By. Michel Rua
I am a young, low-income student and my
family is vulnerable to covic-19
Earlier this year, when school activities had
drifted away from students like me who had
not had access to the Internet and
computers, we had trouble keeping up with
class activities.
I'd rather endure going back to the problems
of virtual education than going to school Even so, with all the
without vaccinations and sacrificing my well- resources, the virtual
being or that of my family education methodology
like almost all jobs and even education had had not been easy, since
changed with the arrival of the epidemic. now, in addition to having the
teachers and students had spent seven and a resources, it had been
half months taking classes and exams necessary to guide the
virtually. parents for this challenge.
Even so, with all the resources, the virtual
education methodology had not been easy,
since in addition to having the resources, it
had been necessary to guide the parents for
this challenge.
Finally, there had not been an adequate
methodology to calm this situation, however
all parents had tried to educate their children
in the best way.
Interview With Rigoberto Uran
Had you prepared yourself for such a situation?
In a talk with CORDIALITY INFORMS, Uran, 33, spoke about
everything: he expressed his opinion about the crisis that had
come over cycling, of running the Tour de France without an
audience, he told what changed him after the sporting bump of By. Michel Rua
2015, of The two times that he had threatened to retire and had
compared the way of training before with that of today and he
warned that young riders train to win one of the big three, they do
not respect the leaders of the peloton, but it does not bode well for
long valid in this tough sport..

 What do you analyze of the future in world cycling?

It's complicated. Most teams have laid off staff, but that's normal. The
situation is difficult because imagine keeping the company closed. And
sports, cycling, has been affected. I've always said that sport takes a
backseat, thinking about that right now is difficult. Everyone is trying to
save lives and major events have been canceled.

 What will happen to the economy in cycling?

Difficult topic. If this year the races are not done in the second semester it
will be a very hard blow for next year. The companies invest a large
amount of money so that the teams can run, so that there are contracts
with the runners and this year there are no events, so it is complicated. The
future of cycling will be difficult.

There is talk that it could be done without people, but I don't know what a
Tour de France will be like without an audience
Interview With Rigoberto Uran
Had you prepared yourself for such a situation?

 Do you agree with the races being held without

an audience?
By. Michel Rua
What one thinks is that the Tour can be done and
there is talk that it could be done without people, but
I don't know what a Tour de France will be like
without an audience. Everything is insane. A Tour in
September, a Giro d'Italia in October and a Vuelta a
España in November, sounds strange. I've never had
a race without fans. Imagine one making a greater
effort in the Pyrenees without anyone yelling at you.
That will be new to everyone.

 There are some sports in which that is the

solution ...
Already some soccer tournaments are played without
an audience. I have never done a race without people,
not even in training, because when you go out,
someone whistles at you, someone yells at you. I
don't know how that will be. It is viable, because the
Tour is an event that brings together people from all
over the world and I don't know. If it is done, it must
be with some security measures, with protocols.
Interview With Rigoberto Uran
Had you prepared yourself for such a situation?

 What does it say about the calendar? By. Michel Rua

It is tentative and we hope that by that time one can
leave Colombia. Obviously, because nobody has the
key, nobody knows anything and hopefully that
schedule can be done.

 Don't you think that the races are very close,

that there is no space?
Yes, but the teams are preparing for that now. We
have sent the trainings to get well. Each team will
have to bring the best riders to one race, but without
neglecting the others.

 Your boss, Jonathan Vaughters, said there

were too many careers and poor quality, okay?
All races have their sponsorships and they want to
do them. Sure there will be tests that nobody will go
to. During the Giro d'Italia they will do some
classics, which are very important. There will be
very busy races and others will not have a good
Interview With Rigoberto Uran
Had you prepared yourself for such a situation?

By. Michel Rua

 Which of the big three will have the most benefit?

What is clear is that all the roosters will go to the Tour. If it
is done, we will all be there. The Giro won't have them all
and the Vuelta won't either. It is a good opportunity to meet
the tough ones.

 Do you agree with the return of cycling so the

contagion and death figures continue?
I have no idea about that. Soccer already did. The teams in
Italy, in Spain, in England train, these guys started and the
games are coming, if those guys start that gives hope to the
rest, to cycling.

 Above contagions and deaths?

It is a very sensitive issue. Surely there will be problems,
people who are going to be infected, because until a vaccine
is found, things will remain delicate. There are 4 months
until the Tour. In Europe people continue to die, the numbers
have decreased, but everything is very uncertain. All you do
is follow the instructions on the computer.
Interview With Rigoberto Uran
Had you prepared yourself for such a situation?

By. Michel Rua

 What level do you expect on the Tour if the
training sessions are not the most suitable?
In Colombia, it is expected that professional cyclists can
train outside the house, go out, and with that things
change. In Europe, countries like Germany, England and
Switzerland, never closed. I have colleagues who
continued training normally, but those of us who were in
Colombia did it in the simulator. If we can leave soon,
then the level on the Tour and in those races will be

 How long does it take to get to compete in the

general of the Tour or a big one?
It is important before the Tour to do some races and there
are. That gives time to get into rhythm. We have been in
the simulator for two months, but we still need time to
better prepare a preparation and arrive well.

This was our interview of the month with the

cyclist Rigoberto Uran
We hope it has been of your interest
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

(Aracataca, Colombia, 1927 - México D.F.,

2014) Colombian novelist, Nobel Prize
winner for Literature in 1982 and had been
one of the great masters of universal
literature. Gabriel García Márquez had been
the fundamental figure of the so-called Boom
of Latin American literature, an editorial
phenomenon that, in the 1960s, had given
world projection to the last batch of
storytellers from the continent.

In all of them, the overcoming of realism and a renewal of

narrative techniques that connected with the interwar
European and American novel (Kafka, Joyce, Proust,
Faulkner) had been palpable; García Márquez had added to
this his marvelous fantasy and his unsurpassed talents as a
storyteller, evident in the work that represents the culmination
of magical realism: One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967).
La Mala Hora
“El padre Ángel se incorporó con un esfuerzo
solemne. Se frotó los párpados con los huesos de las
manos, apartó el mosquitero de punto y permaneció
sentado en la estera pelada, pensativo un instante, el
tiempo indispensable para darse cuenta de que
estaba vivo, y para recordar la fecha y su
correspondencia en el santoral. «Martes cuatro de
octubre», pensó; y dijo en voz baja: «San Francisco
de Asís». Se vistió sin lavarse y sin rezar. Era
grande, sanguíneo, con una apacible figura de buey
manso, y se movía como un buey, con ademanes
densos y tristes. Después de rectificar la
abotonadura de la sotana con la atención lánguida de
los dedos con que se verifican las Fragmentos de
obras de García Márquez Actualizado
25/04/2014 Página 3 cuerdas de un arpa, descorrió
la tranca y abrió la puerta del patio. Los nardos bajo
la lluvia…”.
Zodiac Sings
information about energies and natural forces that can tell a lot about people.

In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac

and the first of fixed and negative quality.1 2 Its
opposite and complementary sign at the same time is
Scorpio. 3 Together with the signs Virgo and
Capricorn, it belongs to the earth element and is ruled
by the planet Venus.4

In Western astrology, those born from April 21 to May

21 belong to this sign.

Taurus is the second of the twelve zodiacal signs, after

Aries, and the first of the earth triplicity, together with the
signs of Virgo and Capricorn.4 The sign rules the throat.6
Its glyph is represented by a rounded circle by antlers that
can refer to the head of a bull or cow.

This sign belongs to the so-called fixed quality signs, along

with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. 4
alphabet soup of the guide

thanks teacher I was

aware of the live
Clear your mind and learn

The family in English

We thank our readers and
followers for dedicating their
we hope to continue informing
you monthly

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