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Gastritis and chest pain

Institutional Affiliation

 The consultation and diagnosis process in nursing requires skills
and competence.
 Ethics, interaction, and communication are some of the most the
vital aspects needed in the practice.
 I interacted with two patients in different contexts and intended to
test my skills and competence in nursing
 This presentation will hence, articulate the consultation and
diagnosis cases of a gastritis patient by the name Santos and a
chest pain patient by the name Hum.

Part 1
 This case involved a young man called Santos.
 He was aged 27 years.
 He reported poor appetite, stomach-ache, nausea, hiccups,
and a burning effect after eating some foods
 The best treatment
 The Calgary Cambridge framework was selected for
consultation and diagnosis since it was patient-centred
 It was also easy for me to test my skills and to create
patient’s awareness.

.. Continuation

 Gathering the patient’s data is important as it helps to ensure that

the challenges are noted.
 I collected data to from the patient’s point of view/background
of the challenge and the physical examination
 After the analysis, Santos was diagnosed with gastritis
 I prescribed painkillers and antibiotics for treatment

Case study 2
 The case involved a 50 year old Man called Hum
 He looked energetic in and smartly dressed.
 The patient reported severe pain in the chest that was accompanied
by a dry cough.
 In the treatment process, I maintained informed consent (Bruno,
Donner-Banzhoff, Söllner, Frieling, Müller, & Christ, 2015)

 It was important to encourage the patient on the
role he played in finding out the main cause of
the disorder (Foy & Filippone, 2015).
 Training and clinical examination was also
 After the analysis, the patient was diagnosed
with chest pain that was caused by orthopnea
(Foy & Filippone, 2015)

 Bruno, R. R., Donner-Banzhoff, N., Söllner, W., Frieling, T., Müller,
C., & Christ, M. (2015). The interdisciplinary management of acute
chest pain. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 112(45), 768.
 Foy, A. J., & Filippone, L. (2015). Chest pain evaluation in the
emergency department. Medical Clinics, 99(4), 835-847.
 Haasenritter, J., Biroga, T., Keunecke, C., Becker, A., Donner-
Banzhoff, N., Dornieden, K., ... & Bösner, S. (2015). Causes of chest
pain in primary care–a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Croatian medical journal, 56(5), 422-430.
 Nisa, S. (2018). Gastritis (Warm-e-meda): A review with Unani
approach. Int. J. Adv. Sci. Res, 3(3), 43-45.
 Sogomonjan, M., Kerikmäe, T., Ööpik, P., & Ross, P. (2019). A report
on the survey. Attitudes of Estonian healthcare professionals to
internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy. Cogent
Psychology, 6(1), 1637623.

End of Presentation

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