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4000 Essential English Words 1

Unit 8
Look carefully at the jumbled words and try unscrambling the words.

1. actecp - accept
2. fliimaar - familiar
3. ganh - hang/ hung/hung
4. ctntaosr - contrast
5. dtaent - attend
6. gneouraec - encourage
7. eugh - huge
8. nblaace - balance
9. rgab - grab
10. grranae - arrange
1. grab
2. arrange
3. contrast
4. accept
5. huge
6. encourage
7. balance
8. hung
9. attend
10. familiar
Fill in but mind grammar
accept, familiar, hang, contrast, attend, encourage, huge, balance, grab, arrange

1. At work, my father drives a huge truck.

2. I accepted the girl’s very nice gift.
3. I grab a pear from the tree.
4. I drew a picture of my family, and my mother hung it on the wall.
5. My football coach will encourage us when we are losing.
6. My sister and I attend the same school.
7. Please arrange the bowling pins in order so we can play.
8. The contrast between my parents is very noticeable.
9. The two friends were very familiar with each other.
10. We saw an elephant balanced itself on a ball.
U 2.1.3 Sentences with loud, nervous, noise, project, scare, secret, shout, smell, terrible, worse
1. Бизнес был хуже в этом месяце, чем в прошлом месяце.
A business was worse this month than the previous/last one.
2. Два мальчика делились секретом.
Two boys shared a secret.
3. Двое друзей почувствовали запах цветка.
Two friends smelled a flower.

4. Его дневной рабочий проект было покрасить комнату в зеленый цвет.

His day project was to paint the room into green.

5. Мальчик стал нервным, когда услышал новости.

The boy became nervous when heard the news.

6. Мой босс кричал на меня, потому что я опоздал на работу.

My boss shouted at me, because I was late to work.

7. Мой дядя был напуган увиденным в комнате.

My uncle was scared what he saw in room.

8. Мужской голос был настолько громким, что мы все могли слышать его.
The man`s voice was so loud, that we all could/were able to hear it.

9. Плачущий ребенок издал громкий шум.

The crying baby was making a loud noise.

10. То, как он относился к своему однокласснику, было ужасно.

How he treated his classmate was terrible.
pleased, well, carefully, approach, adventure, scare, noise, bad

of poor quality
Part 2
happy or satisfied pleased
done in a good way well
to make someone afraid scare
an unpleasant sound noise
of poor quality or a low standard bad
feeling mad and full of anger angry
paying attention in order to avoid an accident carefully
move towards or close to approach
an unusual or exciting experience adventure
more unpleasant, bad, or severe worse
Look carefully at the jumbled words and try unscrambling them.

1. cusecss success
2. pantetr pattern
3. lisgne single
4. trae tear
5. neyessrac necessary
6. rueqire require
7. otehry theory
8. releeas release
9. erpoosp propose
10. oupprse purpose
Fill in but mind grammar
success pattern single tear necessary require theory release propose purpose

My daughter was a big success at school.

My pattern of brushing my teeth is the same as most people’s.
I have a single key in my hand.
It is easy to tear paper.
It is necessary to have a passport when you travel to a foreign country.
We require teachers to have a university degree.
We talked about Einstein’s theory of relativity in class.
She released the bird from her hands.
Santa Claus proposed that I try to be a good boy all year.
The purpose of exercising is to get into shape.
Unit 8
accept v
familiar adj
hang v
contrast n
attend v
encourage v
huge adj
balance v
grab v
arrange v

tear /teə/








theory contrast
accepted necessary arranged
required success

balanced encourage

huge hung
She arranged her hair and put on nice clothes
to take what is offered, to agree to do something accept
to put in a particular order or position arrange
to go to an event, be present attend
to get into a steady position, without falling balance
a difference between while being compared contrast
to make someone want to do something encourage
easily recognized familiar
to take hold of grab
to put something above the ground hang
needed necessary
routine pattern
to suggest propose
reason purpose
to set free release
demand required
only one single
doing something well success
pull (something) apart tear
idea theory

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