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By :
Runthi Andika Maharani (192)
Dwi Setyaningrum (200)
Definition of Character

According to the Big

Dictionary of Indonesian
Language Character is the
traits of the mental, moral or
moral characteristics that
distinguish one person from
Definition of Education
Based on (Law SISDIKNAS No.
20 of 2003) is a conscious and
planned effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and
learning process so that students
actively develop their potential to
have spiritual strength, self-
control, personality, intelligence,
noble character and skills needed
by themselves and the community.
Definition of Character Education
Character education is a system
that instills character values in
students that contain components
of knowledge, individual
awareness, determination and the
willingness and action to carry out
good values towards God, self,
fellow human beings, the
environment and the nation.
Example of Character Education Programs
Character will be
The aim of this program is to provide
insight and training to teachers to formed from what we
understand their students from a see, we feel, and from
psychological perspective which can
then make it easier to determine the Family an activity that we often
most appropriate method to educate Environment do which then becomes
students through a psychological Training
approach so that students can absorb
a habit and will
the material presented without the eventually become a
burden or fear. Because of the personality which is
difference in status between teachers
and students but certainly without also called character.
reducing the code of ethics and ethical
norms and manners Character
This program is specifically for
the success of character
education in schools, in addition
to providing material also instills
life values to students
Infographic Style
Components of
moral knowing
awareness moral

moral make self-

reasoning decisions knowledge
Types of Character Education
1. character education based on religious values, which is the truth of
God's revelation (moral conservation).
2. character education based on cultural values, among others in the form
of character, pancasila, literary appreciation, the example of historical
figures and leaders nation.
3. environment-based character education (conservation environment).
4. character education based on self potential, which is attitude
Personally, the results of the potential empowerment awareness
process self directed to improve quality education (humanist
Function of Character Education

development: development of students' filter: to filter the nation's own

potential to be well-behaved; this is for culture and other national culture
participants students who already have that is not in accordance with the
attitudes and behaviors reflect the
values the culture and character
culture and character of the nation
of a dignified nation.

improvement: strengthening the

progress of national education to
be responsible for developing
potential more dignified students
Purpose of Character Education
1.develop the potential of the heart /
conscience / affective of the participants
students as human beings and citizens who
have cultural values and national character;
2.develop students' habits and behavior that
is commendable and in line with universal
values and religious cultural traditions of
the nation;
3.instill leadership and responsibility students
as the next generation of the nation;
4.develop students' abilities to be
independent, creative, insightful human
beings nationality;
5.develop the school life environment as a
safe, honest, full learning environment
creativity and friendship, as well as with
taste high nationality and full strength
Objectives of Character Education

Students understand the values of characters

in family, local, national, and environment
11 internationally through customs, laws and
international order.

Students are able to develop their character or

2 his nature is consistently deep take the
decision of manners in in the midst of the
complexity of life in society today.

Students are able to face real problems in

3 society rationally for the best decision making
after making due consideration accordingly with
norms of character.

Students are able to use experience good

4 character for formation of awareness and
behavior patterns that is useful and responsible
for his actions.
Value of character education

g io n
e l i
R t y
01 So ci al i

de r
03 t i ce
Value of character education

r a tic
De moc
05 Hon
nc e
nd e
pe r
Inde Po we
07 t i n g
Value of character education

i li t y
ns ib ural
e s po he N
a t
R f o
e spec ent
vir onm
Activity to Develop Character

Regular Spontaneous
school activity

Thank You

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